Saturday, April 14, 2012

Christmas in April :)

This past week we hit the 70 degree mark a few days and than last night we got over 6 inches of snow!! Dustin and I made coffee and hot chai tea, turned on Christmas music, and played Boggle together enjoying the winter feel and look of things! :) We are supposed to be back in the upper 60's - low 70's next week so the snow will not be around long but will give us GOOD moisture so hopefully we can go camping with an actual campfire this summer! 

Camouflage :)

Sedona Day Trip!!

The weather was so wonderful up here on Easter weekend that after church, Dustin, Maci, and I took a short road trip to Sedona area! Dustin got to fish by the creek while I read in the sun! It was VERY relaxing! Dustin only caught one fish but he had a blast doing it!

There was this little creek/waterfall right where I stayed and read! Very relaxing!

Our little creek dog! :)

March Snow Storm

Here are some pictures of the snow storm that almost kept me in PHX after flying in from ND and gave me a snow day the Monday after I got back :) 

First Trip to North Dakota!!

I was incredibly blessed to be able to go out to North Dakota over my spring break to see Chris, Ally, and baby Ryken (added bonus - Mom was there too :)! It was so wonderful getting to see my little nephew when he was still a little baby and hang out with my sister and mom! Here are just a few of the MANY pictures Auntie K took :)