Thursday, December 13, 2018

Kade - 4 Months Old

Little Kade is 4 MONTHS old already! How's it always go so fast! 

At four months, Kade is 22.4 inches long and weighs 11 pounds and 10 ounces. He usually wakes up 1-2 times a night but has had some issues with the dry air and the heater and wakes up more often some nights because he is having trouble breathing and needs some saline drops. He is now sleeping in the bassinet attachment in a pack n' play in our room. He can stay up for 1-2 hours and then sleeps anywhere from 1-3 hours for a nap. He is still in size 1 diapers and 0-3 month and 3 month clothes.

This little guy is seriously the sweetest and a little dream baby. We are constantly shocked by how happy, content, and go with the flow he is overall. His new favorite thing is talking. He has definitely found his voice and loves to coo and talk to himself or anyone that is around him. He still is SUPER generous with smiles and we have had people ask us how we get anything done with him always smiling at us. He still really likes his play gym but recently just rolls over onto his tummy and gets himself in a pickle in it. He likes the sit me up alot still since it allows him to see. He has really grown to enjoy chewing on Sophie when he is in his car seat. He still loves his o-ball and has a little plush phone with teething material handles that he loves to chew on and grab. Baths are still a good thing in Kade's mind as well as getting his pajamas on at night. And he LOVES sucking his thumb to soothe himself and then just as entertainment as well.

Kade doesn't enjoy when we have to use the saline drops or Nosa Frida to help with his dry nose. He also doesn't like his fingernails clipped very much. He has grown so fond of his bed for sleep that he isn't a fan of sleeping in the Ergo carrier as much. He fusses for a while before finally falling asleep. Besides that he is a happy little guy unless he is getting too tired. 

This month Kade got better at things he has already learned to do. He doesn't just occasionally coo but has full on coo conversations with himself or anyone who is near by. Sometimes it is so loud we can't hear who we are talking to. He has mastered rolling to his tummy from his back and likes to do it often. And Kade has also gotten better at grasping toys and blankets to put in his mouth or play with. 

Kade did have some more firsts this month. He went to his first sporting event when we went with Ember's school to a special NAU men's basketball game. Kade took his first walk in the stoller without being in a carseat in the stroller. He also wore his first crib shoes which were adorable. He went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for the first time and had  his first Thanksgiving. Kade went to his first movie in the theater - we saw "Elf" for free for a holiday community event. He fell asleep during it. Kade also went in the Ergo without the infant insert for the first time and went to his first parade - Flagstaff Downtown Light Parade. 

We are all loving life with Kade. Reece always runs up and hugs him after I get him up from a nap, Ember is found near him often talking to him or singing to him, and they both fight over who he gets to sit by at dinner in the Sit Me Up. God knew what he was doing when he added Kade to our family and we couldn't be more thankful! 

Here are a few more pictures from Kade's 3rd month of life: 

Family Pictures 2018

It was COLD outside but I didn't want us in jackets for pictures so we had to throw jackets on the kids in between pics but all in all they turned out really really good! Kalie always does such an amazing job! 

And this is when we were done... ;)

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Ember's 6th Tangled Birthday Party

Ember chose the Tangled theme this year for her birthday! I must say it was a very FUN party to plan and a great time for Ember and all her friends! 

The food table complete with Maximus's apples, The Snuggly Duckling cheese and crackers, Rapunzel's braids, Pascals Puffs, and Mother Gothel's vegetables. 

The "cake" was cupcake towers in ice cream cones decorated to look like Rapunzel's tower.

The first thing the girls did when they got to the party was decorate their long Rapunzel hair

Then each girl got their picture taken in the window tower. And then we got this adorable group photo! 

Next, we played "Pin the Frying Pan on Flynn Rider"

We then hit the pinata with a frying pan. I made this pinata a little too rough so Daddy had to use a knife to help it break open

The pinata goodies

We sang Happy Birthday to Ember and then everyone ate

Next we did two more crafts. We made necklaces and Pascal party blowers

Finally we got another group photo in front of this cute backdrop and then Ember opened her gifts.

We purposefully only invited Ember's close friends and it was a perfect day celebrating our big SIX year old! We love you Ember! 

Kade - 3 Months Old

This sweet bundle of baby boy is 3 MONTHS OLD! 

Kade now weighs 11 lbs and is about 22 inches long. This little guy is still consistently waking up around 1-2 times a night. And he usually goes to bed without a fuss. He can stay up for one and a half hours before needing a nap now and usually naps for 1-2 hours. In the afternoon, he will often take a 2-3 hour nap which is really nice. We still swaddle his legs when he sleeps and he still enjoys sucking his thumb to soothe himself. Kade is still in the bassinet in our room for sleeping. He can still fit in a few newborn clothes but is also wearing some 0-3 month and 3 month clothes. 

Kade really is such a content little man but he loves having someone around him. He is very generous with his smiles and coos. Kade loves his play gym - he enjoys hitting the toys, grasping onto the toys, and smiling at himself in the mirror. Kade also loves his o-ball toy. He holds it with both hands by his mouth and sticks his tongue inside the holes. He also likes Taggie toys and trying to get the tags into his mouth. We got out Reece's old giraffe Sit Me Up and Kade has really enjoyed being able to sit and see what is going on around him. He still really enjoys baths in his blue bathtub. He is more content with tummy time but likes to roll back onto his back during it often. He cracks me up because he enjoys watching the TV if his older siblings are watching something. He gives the cutest smiles when we come in to get him out of his bed in the morning. And Kade continues to enjoy the Ergo carrier for naps when out and about. 

There is not much that this little guy doesn't like. When he is tired, he just wants to go to bed. He doesn't really enjoy being held or set down but just wants his bed. He still cries when we get him out of his bath. He also gets frustrated when he gets boogers in his nose and can't breathe or drink with ease. But that is about it for things he doesn't like. 

This month Kade has learned how to grasp toys and blankets. He is actually able to play with his toys and blankets some now. He is also really good at grasping hair : / During the month, Kade also rolled over from his tummy to his back and than from his back to his tummy but doesn't do either super consistently yet. He is also getting better and better at drinking out of a bottle.

There were quite a few firsts for Kade this month as well. He had his first babysitters when Grandma and Grandpa watched him and put him to bed so Mommy and Daddy could go to a wedding. There was the first snow of the season and of Kade's life. He went to Sedona for the first time to celebrate Grandma's birthday and Grandpa's retirement. The biggest first was our first road trip and Kade shocked me with how well he did. He slept in a pack n play for the first time and left the country for the first time as we went to Mexico. Kade was at the ocean for the first time and also swung in a hammock for the first time. Kade also had his first holiday and Halloween  this month as well. He dressed up as a spider! He also had his first photo shoot this month during our Christmas family photo shoot. 

Kade is such a joy to do life with! We are so thankful for what he adds to our family! "Kade" was the first thing that the kids were thankful for on our November thankfulness board. We sure do love him!