Saturday, November 27, 2021

Ember's "On Cloud 9" Birthday Party

 For Ember's birthday party this year, we did an "On Cloud 9" party. We did all the fun sleepover things without anyone actually staying the night. It was a blast and the girls were so sweet and giggly at this age. Here are a few pictures! 

We started with pizza for dinner and then moved on to decorating face masks

Painted nails

Cake time

Opened gifts

Played some pictionary

Pillow fight!

Then snacks and a movie!

It really was a great party with a sweet group of girls to celebrate Ember's 9th Birthday! 

Ember - 9 Years Old

 Ember turns 9!! 

This hurts my heart to think about but our baby girl turned 9 this year - which is halfway to being 18 and possibly out of the house. It seems like just yesterday, we were new parents holding our precious little girl and now she is growing up so quickly. But at the same time - oh! how we love watching her grow up and mature.

At 9, Ember is about 50 inches tall and weighs about ___ lbs. She still enjoys her own room which is decorated with lots of pink, sparkles, and homemade creations. Ember is more of a night owl and likes to unwind some at night after we put her to bed. She most often reads but sometimes does other crafts or sings aloud. She still calls her Daddy up every night to "touch her fingers" and say one last goodnight. She enjoys falling asleep to music. She has still kept her childlike innocence and loves her silkie bear, Tickle, and still will play with dolls at the park. 

Ember loves to learn and she loves to socialize. She absolutely loves going to school to learn and do new things and be able to hang out and play with friends her age. She easily excels at school and is a great teacher helper in her class. She is kind to her friends and just likes to have a good time. She truly is a born leader and often needs to be reminded that being a leader is good but being prideful or bossy aren't good qualities of a leader. Ember can be super silly and goofy. She can also be very dramatic about small things. She is a perfectionist and gets frustrated when things don't come easy to her - like being kind to her brothers. She desires to do the right thing and gets upset at herself when she doesn't make the right choice. But she seems to be growing to understand that all of life is a process and every success is a step forward. Ember is self motivated and a hard worker which has been a big help around the house as she is able to help out more with chores. She is a good saver and is just about to have saved $100 in her save fund. 

As already mentioned, school and friends are some of Ember's favorite things. She loves all her specials at school as well - art, music, PE, and Spanish. Ember still really enjoys playing soccer. She is an aggressive player who is always trying her best. Although not as much as last year, Ember still loves gymnastics and will often be found cartwheeling or working on her headstands. Ember loves to read and goes through books much faster than I can pick them up from the library. She loves special time with mom and/or dad. She has a great imagination and comes up with crafts and games to play on her own or with her brothers. Just recently she decided to decorate her Barbie house for Christmas and found a way to make real live pine tree branches into a Christmas tree and string and beads into Christmas lights. Ember still adores trips and activities that we do with her favorites being Mexico, theme parks, ice skating and The Great Wolf Lodge. Ember is still our best eater overall. Her current favorites are an over-easy egg on bread with avocado and everything bagel seasoning, angel hair pasta noodles with butter, hamburgers, pizza, apple, most other fruits, and raw vegetables such as carrots, cucumber, tomato, and lettuce. 

The past time that Ember does the most is definitely reading. But she also plays with her Barbie's alot. She uses her craft supplies often to make something. She really likes making bracelets with her Rainbow Loom kit. She is frequently playing school with her stuffed animals or with her brothers. They also play "family" which usually turns into "bad baby" where one person is the caretaker and the other two are babies trying to get into trouble. Ember enjoys doing Lego Friends sets. She still enjoys being outside and riding her bike or scooter or just walking. She also loves to climb and hang upside down on the gates around the yard. She is a really good and strong climber and is often found high up in a tree or at the very highest place of a playground that she can safely get to. 

There are some things that Ember dislikes as well. She can get frustrated with her brothers noise volume and speed level running back and forth over and over. As mentioned earlier, Ember gets frustrated when things don't come as easily to her or if it takes her a little while to understand. She isn't a fan of plans changing and, of course, doesn't enjoy being sick.

Ember still continues to grow and mature in so many aspects of life. Physically, she is proficient at a one handed cartwheel and working on an aerial cartwheel and a headstand. She is a good runner and ran 2.5 miles the other day almost straight (leaving her Mommy in the dust). Ember has gotten better and better at ball control in soccer and is understanding the strategy more and more. As far as academics are concerned, Ember is continuing to grow in her writing of different types of papers and poems. She also writes songs here and there. She is starting to memorize many multiplication facts and is able to do most addition, subtraction, and multiplication problem set in front of her. We have seen maturity in Ember emotionally as well. Although she still struggles at times with being more dramatic than necessary, we have seen her respond to her brothers or others with her words instead of reacting. She is really good about writing us a very sincere apology note if she does something or says something that she shouldn't have. Most importantly, Ember is still growing spiritually as well. She doesn't read her Bible every day but reads it often. She also does a devotion book we got her multiple times a week. She is consistently talking about spiritual issues to us or her brothers and we are loving the excitement she has towards the things of God. We pray daily that she continues to grow and mature in her Savior. 

We are so blessed and thankful to have had Ember as our daughter for 9 years. She has taught us so much through the years and challenges me to be better many times a week. Although she is similar to Dustin and I both in certain ways, it is clear that God has made her unique as well. It is exciting to watch her grow into a young lady and we are eager for at least the next 9 years of  Ember living under our roof. 


A few presents

Chia seed pudding for breakfast

We went to church and then had a picnic at a park

Grandma and Grandpa stopped by with a special surprise

Chipotle for dinner and then Trick or Treating

Ember's 9 Year Interview:

Favorite color? Pink and purple

Favorite toy? Tickle

Favorite food? Pizza

A food you don't really like?  Paleo Shepherd Pie

Favorite thing to watch? Frozen 2

Favorite place to go? Mexico

Favorite book? Chronicles of Narnia

Favorite song? Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty

Favorite restaurant? Chick-Fil-A

Favorite thing to do each day? Play with Barbies

Favorite thing to do with Mommy? Bake

Favorite thing to do with Daddy? Playing school

What makes you happy? Tickle

What is something scary? The dark

What are you really good at? Math and reading

Who is your best friend? Addi and Ella

What do you want to be when you grow up? Veterinarian 

What do you think about before you fall asleep? Tomorrow

Here are a few more pictures of Ember from the last year!

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Legoland and SeaWorld Trip!

 We are so thankful to get to go to Legoland again this year. Our plan was to go last year but because of Covid-19, the theme park was closed. It was nice to get to go this year and an extra year of growth allowed all three kids to do more rides than they would have been able to the year before. 

We stayed at the Legoland Castle Hotel this stay which is right outside of Legoland and has a large breakfast buffet included. Plus they have many activities for the kids to do like meeting Lego characters, stretching in the morning, and trivia. 

On Monday morning, we hit up Legoland for our first full day! Since we were staying at a Legoland hotel, we got to go into the park an hour before it officially opens and could ride about 6 rides. 

The carousel was Kade's favorite

This was my favorite!

This was one of Ember and Reece's favorite. And they were so brave! 

Day 2 (Reece's birthday!) we went to SeaWorld! We didn't get to do everything in our one way but what we did do was a lot of fun! 

This was a pretty BIG roller coaster that Ember was just tall enough to do. She loved it and did it multiple times with us! 

These little cleaner fish were one of the highlights of our day. They would immediately swim over to your hand or finger when you put your hand in the water and start eating off dry skin and particles. It was VERY ticklish. 

We got to meet Elmo!! 

The infamous orca show! It is just as amazing as an adult as I remember it being back as a kid. They are definitely a magnificent part of God's creation.

Kade got some good quality time with these fish and sting rays since he couldn't go on the Journey to Atlantis ride that was one of the kids favorites. 


Our last full day was spent at Legoland again! We definitely got to do everything that we wanted here multiple times! 

Reece got to wear his new Ninjago shirt he got for his birthday and got a birthday pin.

The Sealife Aquarium was included with our Legoland tickets so we spent about an hour going through it.

This ride on its own didn't get you too wet but there was the option for bystanders to shoot guns at you from the side and totally soak you! Dustin and the kids got hit hard one time! 

We got to watch a few short 4D Lego movies! Kade was hilarious with his glasses.

We had such a great trip! The weather was absolutely perfect! There were NO crowds at either park and the kids had cheerful and thankful hearts overall. It was a great trip and we are hoping we can go back one more time in the next few years. Since coming home, Kade says something along the lines of  "On Friday, can we go to Legoland?" every other day or so! So thankful for the memories we could make as a family!