Thursday, December 1, 2022

Ember - 10 years old

Ember turns 10!!

DOUBLE DIGITS! It feels like a big deal - it IS a big deal! Our baby girl is growing up and time doesn't let us forget it. We have so many fond memories of the first 10 years with our Ember and pray to God that we get many more decades together.

At the age of 10, Ember is 52 inches tall and weighs right about 60 lbs. She still has her own room and the color scheme is still light pink and gold. We have made a few small changes this year such as a larger desk and mirror for her to brush and do her hair in the morning and some fairy lights with some clips to hold pictures hanging above her desk. Ember still needs a little more time than the boys to unwind at night and enjoys reading, doing homework or working on a project for a little while before falling asleep. She continues to call her Daddy up to her room each night to "touch her fingers" and she still sleeps with Silky bear and her other stuffed animals. She falls asleep to music still as well and her favorite song for us to sing to her at bedtime right now is Amazing Grace.

Ember continues to be our social butterfly. She is always excited and ready to go to school or any other social gathering or event. She is almost always confident in these types of situations and is willing to be a leader when one is needed. Ember loves to be silly and laugh with her family and friends. She is still very imaginative and is always coming up with a new game for her and her brothers to play - which sometimes goes well and sometimes does not. Ember works hard at the tasks set before her and wants to do a good job at whatever she puts her hand to. She will usually do extra work if that is an option. She hardly complains about doing her chores or school work and just does it. She still is a good money saver and does not spend her money too often.

Ember has many favorite things. She loves all things having to do with school and learning and friends. She loves all parts of school but says that chapel is her favorite. She loves to read and continues to fly through books. She loves to play soccer and practice gymnastic skills. She has also started practicing and playing some volleyball at recess at school and with us in the yard. Ember loves to sing and has a beautiful voice for a 10 year old. She memorized all the verses of Amazing Grace this last year. Another one of Ember's favorite things is trips. She still loves Mexico and any theme park trips. She has been really enjoying our camping trips as well. Ember loves to do activities such as ice skating, high ropes adventure courses, swimming and bowling. She is pretty fearless and did a zipline into water and a swing that drops you from way up high this past summer. She is still a great eater. Here are a few of her current favorites: oatmeal, peanut butter and jelly tortilla, jalapeno garlic olives, assorted raw veggies, sweet potato chips, apple, grapes, pizza and a butternut squash soup from her kids cookbook. 

As Ember is getting older, I am noticing that she is less into playing with toys. She does have one toy that she still plays with daily and that is her Tamagotchi that she bought with her own money this past summer. She loves taking care of her digital pet and sending gifts to her friend that also has the same toy. Ember still enjoys crafts and projects such as her latch kit and diamond dots. She has really been enjoying the Art Hub for Kids step by step drawing videos on YouTube and she is doing really good at those. She still really likes being outside and doing physical activities such as riding her bike, rollerblading, practicing soccer or volleyball, and doing her skip it or jump rope. She really enjoys playing school with the boys as Grandma keeps donating items to her classroom. She enjoys playing sports or taking care/playing with her tiger pet on the Xbox Kinnect. Ember also enjoys doing her own hair or trying new hairstyles on someone else. She also paints her nails more often on her own and got this water bead foot spa with some of her birthday money that she has fun with.

Ember still struggles when something does not come to her easily or when she feels behind or rushed. Sometimes these things cause her to become emotional which only makes the situation worse. She struggles with showing grace and patience towards her brothers when they are interfering with what she is trying to do. And she is still working on responding appropriately to each situation - small responses for small situations and bigger responses for bigger situations. She also is alot like her mommy in that she likes control over her environment and gets frustrated at times when things don't go as planned or expected. 

It is so fun to watch Ember grow and learn in all areas of life. Physically, she has continued to improve at soccer and it paid off in her scoring at least one goal almost every game during the summer season. She can now do a back bend into a walkover pretty consistently. She is getting the bump pass down in volleyball and has gotten pretty proficient at roller blading this past year. In the realm of academics, an employee from the school told me that a test the 4th graders took this year showed that Ember was borderline gifted in her intelligence. She continues to read above her grade level with understanding. She is learning 3 digit by 3 digit multiplication in math and learned the alphabet in sign language by heart on her own. She is also doing really well at her spelling tests which she hasn't had previous years. Emotional growth and maturity is probably the hardest for Ember, but she continues to make progress. There are good days and bad days, good weeks and bad weeks - but her heart is in a good place and she wants to grow in this area. She attempts to be able to control her emotions better and she desires to let some things simply roll off her back. She is slowly understanding more and more that everyone isn't out to make her life hard and that sometimes she just needs to assume the best of others. She is also learning that you cannot please everyone in life so it is a far better aim to try and please the Lord in all that we say, think, and do. Spiritually, Ember continually wants to learn more about God and please him in the way that she lives. She is memorizing large chunks of Scripture each month at school and, as I stated earlier, says that chapel is the best part of the week for her. Ember has been taking notes during the sermons at church on Sundays. She has also enjoyed going to a 4th - 6th midweek event at our church every other week where they are memorizing scripture, learning catechism answers, and hearing the word of God taught. She continues to bring up truths about God to those around her and I pray that God continues to light that fire for him in her heart. 

Writing these blog posts out each year reminds me how God has created Ember uniquely and specially many years ago and much of who he made her to be hasn't changed. But I am also reminded each year of just how much growth and maturity happens. Ember is still the same girl we brought home from the hospital 10 years ago in so many ways. But then, she has also learned and grown in so many areas that she is very different with each passing year. We are so proud of who she is and thankful to get to be her parents. We thank God for 10 years with our beautiful daughter. We love you, Ember! 


Donuts for birthday breakfast! 

I took Ember Chick Fil-A for lunch at school

She opened a few presents and then we got in Halloween costumes 

Then we headed out to Belmont to eat dinner with friends and Trick or Treat


Ember's 10 Year Interview:

Favorite color? Blue

Favorite toy? Tickle

Favorite food? Pizza

A food you don't really like? Paleo Shepherd Pie

Favorite thing to watch? Superbook

Favorite place to go? Mexico

Favorite book? Chronicles of Narnia

Favorite song? Amazing Grace

Favorite restaurant? Margarita Mermaids

Favorite thing to do each day? Go to school

Favorite thing to do with Mommy? Style her hair

Favorite thing to do with Daddy? Play "Sean"

What makes you happy? Reading

What is something scary? I don't know

What are you really good at? Math and singing

Who is your best friend? Emmerson and Ella

What do you want to be when you grow up? Teacher

What do you think about before you fall asleep? What happened that day 

Here are a few more pictures of Ember from the last year!


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Reece's 7th Birthday Party

 This year for Reece's birthday, we did a party at the church with his good friend from school and church who also has a birthday on August 31. The theme was sports! Reece had soccer decorations and Matthew had football decorations. There was a bounce house, pinata, and the kids played soccer or football outside in the parking lot. It was a little crazy with all the attendees but both boys had a great time! 

Reece - 7 years old


Reece just keeps growing up, getting bigger, and learning new things. We just can't get him to stop ;) We love watching who Reece is becoming and can't imagine our family without him in it.

At the age of 7, Reece is a little over 46 inches tall and weighs a little over 45 pounds. Reece still shares a room with Kade and still sleeps on the top bunk bed. On a normal night, he is in bed by 7:45 pm and he is still our most early riser waking up around 5:30 on most days. Reece still sleeps with a sleep mask every night and sleeps in just underwear most nights. 

I am often surprised at how much energy Reece has. He is able to constantly run, jump, climb, and bounce all over wherever he is. He seems to have an endless amount of energy and it is no wonder he is fast asleep soon after his head hits the pillow at night. Some mornings, we hear him running around in circle upstairs while he is waiting till it is time to come downstairs to eat breakfast. He sometimes has 5000 steps on his Fitbit before Ember and Kade have 100. Reece still likes to follow others leads when it comes to choosing what to do. We will ask him what he wants to eat for lunch and he will ask "What is Ember having?" He likes to play games that his friends at school are playing and his favorite color sometimes also changes depending on what his current friend says their favorite color is. We are still encouraging him to grow in being who God created him to be and not trying to be someone else. Where Reece is, is still often a little too much noise. Whether he is pushing a friction powered truck around the living room or playing a game that involves loud laughing and screaming - it is loud when Reece is around... unless he is doing one of his activities that focuses him such as Legos, sticker books, or coloring. Reece still has his sweet side where we will randomly run up and give me a hug out of the blue. But he also still has his instigator side where he will cause issues with whichever sibling he is around. 

Reece has many favorite things. He loves being outdoors. He loves riding his bike and scooter and playing at parks. He loves riding the dirt trails and doing the dirt jumps around our neighborhood. He loves to throw and catch a baseball or play a small sided soccer game. He loves digging for worms, shooting bugs with a spray bottle, and catching lizards, rolly polly bugs, and ants. He has grown to love fishing like his Daddy. He loves chasing other kids around at a park or grass field. He loves climbing trees. He loves jumping in the new bounce house. When it is warm out he loves doing the slip n' slide, swimming in the swimming pool (which he can do by himself now) and jumping off diving boards. Since he loves the outdoors so much, he adores camping. He is really curious and eager to try his friend's kids bows to practice shooting at a target. He loves vacations going to Disneyland and riding any ride and roller-coaster that he is tall enough to do. He still loves Mexico - fishing with dad in the kayak, building sandcastles, finding and catching crabs, and running wild with few boundaries. This is Reece's first year doing all day school and thankfully he is loving his year at Flagstaff Christian School in 1st grade so far. He still really loves being tickled - tickled to the point where he can no longer breath. He is a pretty good eater and a pretty routine eater. Most mornings he prefers to have cereal and his favorite lunch is almond butter, honey, and banana in a tortilla. A few of his other favorites are: waffles, bacon, baked oatmeal, grapes, grilled cheese, trail mix, pizza, french fries, and jalapeno-garlic olives. 

Reece loves to play games when we are at home. His favorite, right now, is War. He also loves to play Go Fish, Sorry, Uno and  Old Maid. He still enjoys building Lego sets but is most excited about them when they are new and being built for the first time. His favorite toys in his room are his Hot Wheels cars and Monster trucks. He also really enjoys his remote control cars when they are charged. He loves playing Ember's made up games until he gets hurt. Kade and him like fighting each other with swords in their room. Baseball and soccer are his favorite sports. He also really enjoys building with his magnetic tiles. He enjoys doing word searches and is really starting to get the hang of reading but still prefers to do it when someone is there to help him versus him doing it on his own. 

There are also some of the things that Reece is not so fond of. He, as almost every kid, does not like when we tell him "no" to something and often chooses to cross his arms and make a grumpy face at us when we tell him "no." He likes when Ember creates a made up game for them but usually gets frustrated rather quickly if she changes the rules too often or it is too hard from him to succeed at. After trying the kids high ropes course at Flag Extreme for the first time, we learned that Reece has more of a fear of heights in those types of situations. He gets really upset when he is excited to do something and is not quite tall enough. This happened twice this past year - once at Indiana Jones at Disneyland and also for the waterslide at the Aquaplex in town. He also gets frustrated when he is trying to tell us something and we don't understand it. He is also pretty lazy when it comes to doing chores and grumbles and complains more often than not. 

This year, Reece has grown in many ways and learned many new things. He has grown as a soccer player in his ball control and the power of his kicks. Reece played baseball this past year for the first time and got a hit every time. Since then, he has gotten better at throwing and catching the ball as well. Reece can now wash himself in the shower/bath. He is able to read more and more words and has been getting better at memorizing Bible verses. This is his first year with spelling tests and he is getting 100% on almost every one. He still loves numbers and math and is learning many new concepts in there as well. During our family Bible time, Reece is able to answer most of the questions we ask him about what we read. He still has not lost any teeth but they should be getting wiggly soon. And Reece and Ember got to fly in a small propeller plane all around town during a community event at the local airport.

Reece keeps us on our toes and active to make sure he is getting enough energy out to be able to show self control. It is amazing to see how his brain is growing and maturing daily. He is constantly described as such a sweet, kind and shy boy by those around him. But, at home we get to see his real self - silly, wild, and, often times, a little too good at creating problems. But, we love him so much and are so thankful to have the honor of being his parents. 

Birthday Fun:

Reece wanted pancakes for breakfast

It was a school day so I took Reece Culver's for a special lunch there. He handed out juice boxes to his friends for a special treat.

He chose a spaghetti squash pizza casserole for dinner and then got to open his presents.
He got a bigger wheeled scooter, a flying orbit ball and a wooden domino set. 

Then, we had ice cream cones and sang to the big 7 year old! 

Reece's 7 Year Interview:

Favorite color? Red

Favorite toy? Rhinomite - large remote control monster truck

Favorite food? Cereal

A food you don't really like? Egg yolk

Favorite thing to watch? Wall-E

Favorite place to go? Legoland

Favorite book? Hot Wheels Stunt Show

Favorite song? Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Favorite restaurant? Chick-Fil-A

Favorite thing to do each day? School 

Favorite thing to do with Mommy? Helping her cook

Favorite thing to do with Daddy? Tickle fight

What makes you happy? Going to people's birthday parties

What is something scary? The dark

What are you really good at? Soccer and kickball

Who are your best friends? Owen, Matthew, Chance, Shep, Sam and Graeme

What do you want to be when you grow up? Baseball player

What do you think about before you fall asleep?  What Mommy and Daddy are doing in the living room

Here are a few more pictures from the past year: