Tuesday, February 28, 2012


We had a birthday party for Maci and Daisy!! We know we are a little nerdy and cheesy - and that is why we didn't invite anyone else to the party :)  It was a fun night!! (Probably more so for us than the pups!)

I made these hats just for the special occasion! It was harder than I thought it would be! They were both really good sports about it!

The puppies got two things of treats that they could split! Plus later, Grandma Vicki (Rachael's mom) gave them both a little stretch and squeak toy! 

Here is Maci posing in her backyard with her party hat! :)

(Ally - it is a good thing you are having a baby so you don't resort to having 
birthday parties for your pets!! Ha ha!! )

1 comment:

  1. Chris and I had a good time laughing at this post! :) It is so you to do it! I love how you said you didn't invite anyone else! haha!
    The hats looks nice, and I believe the "they look harder than you think", seems to work that way for some things! :)
    I do love the picture of Maci sitting in front of her treats! So cute and such a big girl! :)
    Bet Maci was happy to take that backyard picture before all the snow came!!
    You did a great job as a mommy planning a little party for the babies, but yes, I am thankful I will have a little guy to have a party for! :)
