Saturday, May 12, 2012

3 YEARS!!!! :) :)

WOW!! 3 YEARS MARRIED ALREADY! :) God is good!

I got these beauties delivered to me in my last period class! I've got a sweet husband! :) And he knows I LOVE tulips!

Us hanging out by our blossoming fruit tree outside our house before dinner!

We ate at Brix! We had the whole restuarant to ourselves for the first 45 minutes or so. We enjoyed fresh bread, an anitpasto appetizer, and then BBQ shrmp on lentils and pork belly. We topped it all off with some Creme Brulee! Delicous meal!

1 comment:

  1. Those flowers are BEAUTIFUL! So sweet of the D man! :)
    I love that picture of you two too. Is that a little black dress with the Coral cover up? Or is it a skirt? Love it regardless! So cute!
    Happy 3 Years! :)
