Saturday, June 9, 2012

It's a ...... GIRL!!!! :)


Here are a few fun pictures that I took on Thursday night before we found out!

Then on Friday we went to North Country and got right in. The ultrasound technician said that I  and our little one were the perfect candidates for an ultrasound and everything was easy to see and read! The spine looked perfect, the heart was working great, and so were the kidneys and the bladder. Everything that was checked looked good! We are so thankful for that! Here are the 5 pictures! :)

These first two are profile shots of our little girl's head! In the first one you can see her hand really well up in the air and in the second picture her hand is up by her face. 

This next one is supposedly how they knew it was a girl and not a boy! I really have know clue how they know and would never be able to figure it out on my own! The little white arrows are pointing to the female reproductive organs and the lack of a male reproductive organ :)

These next two pictures are more full body profile shots! It is so cool to see our little one looking so human like inside of me! It was so SO exciting for both of us!!

This last one was especially fun because the technician knew that Dustin was a personal trainer and said that our little girl was flexing her arm muscle in this one for daddy! She is already ready to keep up with our active lifestyle ;)

Then we proceeded to get some hot pink ribbon to take our revealing picture! :)

Get ready for a little baby Evans girl!! :) She is  thankfully healthy and coming soon!! :)

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