Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Taking Care of Business :)

Once mom and dad got up here on the 4th of July - we wasted no time before getting to work!

We started with the baby's room!

Dad and Dustin worked hard at taping and painting!

Mom scrubbed the light  socket covers to make them white again!

Putting the light sockets back on to complete the room!

Then we moved on to other things!!

Mom touched up the fireplace with the new green we got!

Dad hard at work cleaning the blinds in our room! He even did BOTH sides of the blinds especially for us :)

I promise that I did some work too!! I just was the only one taking pictures ;)

1 comment:

  1. looks like lots of good work got done! SO great to have the help, and of course you did work too! :)
    Can't wait to see the AFTER pictures! :)
