Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Baby's First Thanksgiving

We spent Thanksgiving down in PHX with the Evans side of the family for actual Thanksgiving and then to the the Flin side of the family after that. Ember did VERY good overall. Her schedule was definitely interrupted but she handled the flexibility well. She slept the whole time during both car rides and slept good both of her first nights away from home. Very blessed and thankful that her first outing went so well. 

Ember in her dress ready for her first car ride to PHX (I love the little cross eyed look)

Corbin meeting Ember for the first time

Evans family picture

Mima and Pappy with all their grandchildren

Uncle Jared and Ember - she woke up for him :)

We realized that Kiley had dressed herself to match me as close as possible. She curled her hair, wore stripes, and then put on black leggings later.

After taking a walk to get breakfast with Ryan, Molly, and the girls - we stopped by the Kuzdas house so Ember could meet Amber and Harper. It was fun to have all the baby girls together for the first time! 

Then we drove to Grandma and Grandpa Flin's for the remainder of our PHX stay. We had delicious steaks and yummy pumpkin pie. We even got Starbucks in the morning! :)

Great Grandma and Grandpa Flin meeting Ember

Family Pic

Ember LOVES her daddy!! 

Great Thanksgiving holiday and we cannot wait to see everyone again in a few weeks! (Only thing missing was the Brucks family)

1 comment:

  1. So much! Glad you could come down and have Ember meet everyone! :) I loved the little cross-eyed look as well. Noticed it right away and smiled! :)
    You two matching is funny! :)
    Love the picture of you, Aleecia and Amber with all your girls! It turned out so nice!
    Wish we could have been there too, but will be there soon to get lots of pictures! :) YIPEE!!
