Monday, January 14, 2013

Hi Ho Hi Ho It's Back to Work I Go :(

The day finally came when I had to leave this little sweetie and go back to work! It was very hard to leave her sleeping in her crib.... even with her daddy who takes great care of her! 

However, there was so much love and support throughout the day through texts, that I made it through. Also, Dustin sent me these pretty tulips  and pines and Joey and Rachael brought me a Starbucks to brighten my day. 

It was hard again to leave her at the daycare with strangers. But she has been doing great at both places and that makes it much easier! And let's just say I cuddled with my little one EXTRA this past weekend and took lots of pictures of her! :) Here are some of the pictures!


  1. How nice to get flowers and a tasty drink! What good people you are surrounded with up there! :)
    She is a cutie! She is filling out. I can see some adorable baby chub filling out those cheeks! :)
    I miss her, and wish I could see her more often!
    Love the hoody picture! :)
    Love you and we continue to pray for you all!

  2. She is just so precious. I can completely understand the feelings of leaving your little one. Hang in there Mommy! :)
