Tuesday, February 19, 2013

First Post Baby Date

Grandma and Grandpa Flin were so kind as to watch little Ember so that Dustin and I could go on our first date alone since she was born!

We headed to Scottsdale and went to the Roaring Fork for dinner. It was happy hour so we both got some drinks - I had a huckleberry margarita that was to die for. Then Dustin got a HUGE burger and I got some grilled fish tacos! Everything was delicous!

The we went to see "Safe Haven." It was a good love story with a little suspenseful twist! 

It was great to spend time just the two of us! Thanks mom and dad for watching our little sweetie pie so we could enjoy a night out together!

Weekend Trip to PHX

We took advantage of our 3 day weekend by heading down to the warm weather to celebrate dad's birthday and relax with my family!

After taking care of the neccessities - reading to Ember and washing the car - we got down to business and ate Texas Road House! Delicous as always.

Sunday - Dustin, Ember, and I were able to meet baby Jace for the first time! He is adorable! Oh so adorable!!

On Monday morning, we headed out on a nice walk. Destination = Starbucks! Ember enjoyed the walk in her car seat for the first time without her infant head support!

We had a wonderful, relaxing time! But it is always good to be coming back to our beautiful mountain home!

Valentine's Day Fun


Dustin surprised us both with some flowers! I got tulips and Ember got some carnations! She was excited as you can tell in the pictures!

We made zesty chicken and potatoes for dinner and cheesecake in a glass for dessert! It was an enjoyable evening!

The Life of a 3 Month Old

Here are a few random pictures of things that Ember has been up to :)

Working out at the gym is tiring! Ember took a litle nap on the turf

Ember got to try out her new bouncer! She likes it! She is just a little short so we have to put something for her to stand on

After changing the little one's diaper, I always hold her up by her mirror and she gives herself the biggest smile!

Sleeping on her tummy now that she can roll over (butt in the air)

Helping with laundry! Daddy's clean socks are all over her!

Monday, February 4, 2013

3 Months Old!

WOW! I feel like I just wrote out the 2 month update and posted those pictures. I cannot believe that yet another month has come and gone and that Ember is now 1/4 of the way to 1 year old! Crazy! Here is what she has been up to and likes/dislikes:

Ember is definitely going to be a talker! She talks to her play gym toys, she talks to her self in the mirror in the car, she talks to the TV, and she especially talks to anyone that will get close to her and is willing to listen! It is the cutest thing! She will sometimes start to fuss a little bit and then decide that she likes the sound of her voice and just keep making noise. It is pretty funny to listen to. Our big girl also has become a roller. She can roll from tummy to back and from back to tummy. She does not always do this. Dustin and I say there are some days that she just wants to roll and roll (like the day she rolled to her tummy 8 times when she was with Dustin) and other days where she doesn't want to at all (like today!). We have been experimenting with swaddle-less naps now that she can roll. She will play in her crib for 10-15 minutes and then fall asleep. She usually wakes up about 45 minutes later and needs to be swaddled to finish her nap - but it is definitely a  start. Ember is still going to bed easily and is now sleeping for about 5-6 hours the first time and then 4-5 more hours once I feed her. When we go in and get her in the morning, she will usually give us a HUGE smile! It is such a sweet way to start the day. We had to take Ember's newborn sling out of her bath tub so now she is using the infant seat like a big girl. She still loves her baths as much as ever. She is doing a great job at transitioning into daycare and daddy care. She wasn't a big fan or her meals coming out of a bottle at first - but will now drink a full bottle both and daycare and with daddy! She has come with me to Sinagua multiple times to watch the middle school girls basketball games and loves watching the lights and listening to the whistles, basketball dribbles, and scoreboard horn. She has also gone to the Flagstaff Athletic Club to watch daddy play volleyball once. She comes with us to work out at HAPT and lays on her blanket on the turf and plays with her rings. It is a good break in between sets to go and say "hi" to her! We have started letting her "sit" a little in her Boppy. She still is a little wobbly and will fall over if you are not helping her, but I am sure she will be sitting in no time. It is so fun to watch her personality come out more and more! We cannot wait to see what this next month has in store for all of us! Happy 3 Months, Ember!