Tuesday, February 19, 2013

First Post Baby Date

Grandma and Grandpa Flin were so kind as to watch little Ember so that Dustin and I could go on our first date alone since she was born!

We headed to Scottsdale and went to the Roaring Fork for dinner. It was happy hour so we both got some drinks - I had a huckleberry margarita that was to die for. Then Dustin got a HUGE burger and I got some grilled fish tacos! Everything was delicous!

The we went to see "Safe Haven." It was a good love story with a little suspenseful twist! 

It was great to spend time just the two of us! Thanks mom and dad for watching our little sweetie pie so we could enjoy a night out together!

1 comment:

  1. That was a huge burger! Glad you two could get away together for a few hours! :)
