Monday, April 1, 2013


I was a little unsure about a stay-cation when Dustin first mentioned it... but I ended up really truly enjoying it! It was very relaxing and seemed to last longer since there was no travel time. Here is a quick overview of what we did (sorry pretty much all the pictures are of our food :)

Wednesday night - We started the stay-cation off with homemade hamburgers, mango quinoa, and sweet potato fries! YUM!

Thursday - we woke up, had some coffee, and then headed to Wildflower for breakfast. We took care of a few things around the house and Ember spent her day watching Maci. Later, Ember's Pappy was so kind as to watch her so we could to see "Oz" 3D. That night we got take out for a new BBQ place in town and enjoyed a delicious dinner and pizza cookie for dessert.

Friday - We made homemade Stuffed French Toast which turned out really well. Then, we went to look at a model home in Ponderosa trails just for fun and worked out. We had our usual La Fonda Friday meal with Joey and Rachael at night and relaxed and hung out with them.

Saturday - We made hash browns, eggs, and bacon for breakfast. After Ember's nap, we picked up Starbucks and drove through some of our favorite neighborhoods to dream. Then we played some card and board games. That night we went out to dinner at Fat Olives - another new restuarant in town. Ember did VERY good and the waitress said she was the best behaved baby she has seen.

Sunday - We went to Brandy's for breakfast and Ember did great there too. Then we worked out and headed to Dustin's parents house for dinner after some more "Snerts" :)

It was a great time! We cannot wait till the next one :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a very nice time together!! Glad it was such a blast!!
    All the food looked yummy too!!
