Monday, May 13, 2013

6 Months Old!!

Ember is changing and changing constantly. It is almost as if she figures out how to do something new every day. She is sitting by herself very well now. She still falls over some but we think it is purposeful or when she is leaning over to get a toy just out of her reach. Ember switched to level 3 bottle nipples this month and now chugs her bottles down. She got to sit in her booster seat for the first time and loved it. She banged her hands on the tray and threw her toys off of it. We wanted her to have a chance to sit in her booster seat before she actually ate so there was not too many new things going on at once. Ember got to go to Phoenix a few times this month. She did a good job in the car cooing and playing until she fell asleep. Ember seems to respond to her name now. She is always looking for us when we talk to her or walk into the room and she starts smiling and kicking like crazy out of excitement. She loves playing in her crib before falling asleep or after waking up in the morning while waiting for us to get her. Ember upgraded to size 2 diapers this month and they look very large on her compared to her size 1 diapers. She still has no teeth that have popped through but is constantly putting things in her mouth still. She LOVES her bouncer and jumps up and down and side to side in it excitedly when we put her in it. Her feet look so silly when she is bouncing - almost as if she is doing a river dance :) Now, when we have her stand in our laps she starts bouncing in our laps as well. She grabs at everything - the phone, the computer, my face, jewlery, toys, food, and almost everything else. She pulls her socks and headbands off now and smiles every time she sees Maci, Daisy, or Bella. We fall in love with our little sweetie more and more every day. And I cannot count how many times a week we say "how cute is she." We are smitten and loving every moment of it!

1 comment:

  1. It was so much fun skyping today! It had been way to long! :) she has changed so much and is so much fun! Can't wait for August!
