Thursday, August 8, 2013

9 Months Old

Ember is officially 75% of the way to 1 year old. My, oh my! And the changing just keeps happening. She has broadened what she can pull up on. She will pull herself up on the coffee table, entertainment center, her bouncer, her bookshelf in her room, the fireplace, and us! She started taking a few steps while holding on to things and you can tell she is beginning to want to stand without holding on to anything. She can stand by herself for about 2-3 seconds and then she is down. Another one of her favorite things is to grab things and carry them around. She loves carrying around Polly Pocket dolls at Mima and Pappy's, socks and shoes at our house, and the poles from her pack and play in her closet. She has also expanded the noises that she can make. She has learned how to make the "m" sound and can now say "mamamama." She is getting really good at imitating sounds we make. She loves to blow raspberries and spit, and she still likes to smack her lips together and make a popping noise. She also has discovered her tongue and will stick it out and move it all around often. Oh, and the variety of faces that she makes. Some days she will show me all her "tricks" while I am trying to feed her. Speaking of food - she has yet again added more flavors such as: pears, applesauce, carrots, and peaches. She likes all of these! She also has been introduced to Happy Baby Organic puffs, banana flavor. It is amazing how quickly she went from using her whole fist to pick the puffs up to using her fingers. Her coordination is growing by leaps and bounds. Some more of Ember's firsts this month where her first 4th of July and her first parade on the 4th. She got to hang out with mommy and daddy in the lazy river in Phx on High Altitude Personal Training's employee getaway to the Hilton Squaw Peak. Ember passed her first swim lesson class. Ember and I joined Aleecia and Addilyn Mews for a two week parent/tot swim lesson. There were parts that Ember squealed with delight during (kicking, singing songs, reaching for toys) and parts that she cried during (working on climbing out, floating on her back). But I could tell that throughout the class, Ember got much more comfortable with the water and it was so much fun to do it with friends. Ember got to use her new swimming skills in the ocean when we went to Mexico for a whole week vacation. I cannot explain how much Ember loved crawling around in the sand....and eating it. She splashed around and found sea shells, rocks, clam holes, and seaweed  - and of course tried to eat all of it. She founded her first "dance" by rocking back and forth violently on all fours to the music. She also climbed two stairs by herself. Ember and mommy's friends Miss Amber and Harper came and visited for a few days and the girls had fun playing. Ember also got to meet her daddy's good friends the Harper's and their little baby girl Hadley (7 month). She loves "singing" at church. When everyone is singing, she will start cooing and when we stop... she will stop too. She is such a good little girl and I cannot go anywhere without multiple people stopping me to say how cute and happy she is! We know that we are incredibly blessed with such a mild-tempered, cheerful 9 month old baby girl. 

1 comment:

  1. Growing so big so fast!!! Love hearing what all she is doing and can't wait to see her and Ryken interact and play together SOON!!!
