Monday, November 4, 2013

Weekend in PHX

Ember and I spent the weekend in PHX (Dustin went to Tuscon to visit his cousin Matt) with Ember's Grandma and Grandpa Flin. We had a wonderful time with gorgeous weather! 

On Saturday, we took a walk to get some Starbucks in the morning! YUM! Then we let Ember play in the yard. She loved "helping" Grandma with the weeds by putting rocks in the bucket!

That afternoon, I went to my dear friend, Alli Hughes, bridal shower! It was so great to see Alli and get to celebrate her upcoming wedding. We had to wear these blue mustaches as part of a party game!

Then after eating snacks and opening gifts we did some Jazzercise dancing :) (since Alli's mom is a Jazzercise instructor)

It was so great for us four friends to be together again after over a year and a half! I love these girls and cannot wait for the wedding weekend to spend more time with us all together!

Saturday night, we had flat iron steak at the house and then took another walk to get Yummiville Frozen Yogurt! It was indeed yummy! 

On Sunday, Ember and I took a meal to another good friend, Jenn, and got to meet her newborn baby boy, Kade! It was so WONDERFUL to see a long time friend again and meet her new baby. Can't wait for later this month to see Jenn, Kade, and Blake again and have my other favorite group of four reunited! :)

Then, I went to my home church growing up and got to hear God's word preached and see a lot of people I haven't seen in a long time...people that I miss! It was fun for everyone to see how big Ember has gotten since last time I visited.

Top the weekend off with Dustin meeting up with us back at the house for some delicious Texas Road House and we had a wonderful weekend full of great fun, food, friends and family! 

1 comment:

  1. Fun!! I didn't know you got to meet Kade! :) glad you could and how nice of you to being a meal too!
