Saturday, September 19, 2015

DIY Newborn Pictures

Here are a few pictures that I snapped and edited of Reece in the newborn phase! 

(Love the cross eyes!)

And one of our good friends and a member of our church's Lifegroup (who is an amazing photographer!) took some pictures for us as well! I will hopefully post them in the near future. 


  1. You did SO GREAT!!! They turned out great! Love the side by side top picture! SO cute how you did that with both kids now! Ember kissing Reece holding her hair back - adorable love it!! Like the black and white effect of Daddy and R. So cute of Ember and Reece while she is reading the book. What a great shot. Such a fun and unique idea! Pinterest is so helpful for these sort of shoots! :) And he looks so cuddly and cozy and lovable wrapped in that furry blanket! Great job! Love the angles and focuses! And he has that little smile in one of them too all cuddled up so warm! Just darling!! Very nice job...they look professional!!! Speaking of professional...can't wait to see the others that your friend took! Those are always so special!

  2. What sweet pictures! Can't wait to see more!

  3. Awww I love this!!! :) What a sweet cutie you have!!!! I can't wait to meet him!
