Thursday, March 16, 2017

Reece - 18 Months Old

Reece is 18 months already!  I feel like we just had his one year birthday party! 

Reece is currently a whopping 20 lbs 6 oz (5th percentile)  and 30.75 inches (6th percentile) tall. He takes one nap a day which usually starts around 1:00. He sleeps for 2-3 hours and has just started playing in his crib after his nap rather than instantly crying. He goes to bed between 7:00-8:00 pm and usually wakes up between 7:00-7:30 am. Reece still nurses three times a day.

This little guy is a boy of few words. He says hi, mama, dada, and nigh nigh that we can understand and pin point. He is good at jabbering and conversing but just not in a way that we understand yet. He understands a whole lot more than he says though. He can follow simple commands like "go find your shoe" and he runs to his booster any time we mention eating. He eats a whole lot for being so little but his favorites are waffles, dry cereal, banana, pear, Cutie, deli turkey and ham, peas, sweet potato, french fries, veggie straws, raisins, and Larabar. 

I think that all the attention that Reece has not been putting into talking he is putting into moving  around! He runs all over the place, climbs on any and everything, and can actually jump and get a little bit of air. He loves spinning in circles with his sister, throwing balls, and crawling around just for fun (especially if there is a crawling baby around).

Reece has always been and continues to be an affectionate and cuddly little guy. He loves laying his head on our shoulders when we are holding him - especially if he got hurt or is getting tired. He randomly will come up to us and give us a hug. He likes to be held and cuddled right after he wakes up. And he will often just hug a page of a book if he likes what is on it which is usually a picture of a baby or an animal. He will also do this with most toys especially if it is one he hasn't played with or seen before. 

As a newborn, Reece comforted and soothed himself by sucking on his arm near his elbow. He still does this while laying down or standing but without actually sucking his arm. He will just place that same part of his arm near his mouth with his hand on his upper forehead and hair. So he often looks like an elephant or Tim Tebow every time he needs soothing or is getting tired.

He loves being around people, animals, and things and getting their attention. He says "hi" whenever he sees a neighbor cat on our porch and every time he hears a dog bark. He puts his hand in the air and sort of coo grunts every time he hears an airplane or loud car go by. He will laugh if he hears other's laughing or cough when others cough around him. And he loves giving people a scrunchy faced smile which is just about the cutest thing. He has made many a stranger swoon :) I have had to apologize for him socially before too. He has been known to bring our guests their shoes and start waving bye bye to them when he is ready for them to leave the house.

Reece loves to play! He loves balloons, balls, toys that make noise or light up, and reading books. Some of his favorite books are "Usborne Slide and See Jungle," "Where is Baby's Bellybutton?" and "Numbers." But his absolute favorite way to play is with his sister. He is always near her when she is around him. They love riding the Plasma car together, running around the coffee table, trying on mom and dad's shoes, cooking in the play kitchen, and playing in the backyard. He seems to like Ember's toys more than his own but probably just for the reason that she plays with them and he wants to do what she is doing.

Reece also likes to play with and do some things that are not ideal.... like pulling the kitchen towels down every time he sees them, pushing the coffee table (with wheels) all over the living room, getting into Maci's water dish, and dumping out bins of toys just because it's fun. He is getting better at listening when we say "no touch" to something but is also starting to throw tantrums when he does not get his way. He will also hit when he is upset with what Ember, Mom, or Dad is doing. He quickly switches back and forth between being very dramatic one minute back to his cheesy-smiled sweet self the next.

He loves baths, running at the beach, swinging, giving Maci her treat, chasing bubbles, waking up Ember in the morning, helping Daddy brush his teeth, playing with a shovel and washing his hands. Reece loves walks either sitting in the stroller or walking on his own. He is not a big fan of long car rides, getting his diaper changed, and being told no.

Reece is such a perfect addition to our family and we all love him so! It is so amazing watching him grow and develop into who God created him to be. We love you Reece! 

Some other pictures from the last few months!

1 comment:

  1. I love that he sucks his arm as a form of comfort!! Way to be original!
    And brining peoples shoes and saying bye- too funny!
    What a fun and happy little boy he is! Looking forward to love on him SOON!
