Monday, May 1, 2017


We had a wonderful time as a family remembering and celebrating our Savior's dying on the cross and rising again! We also enjoyed traditional Easter activities like egg dyeing and hunts!  I am realizing more and more how much I love this season full of life and rejoicing because JESUS IS ALIVE! 

Coloring Eggs

Ember got to wave palm branches on Palm Sunday in front of the church

Ember's Preschool Easter party

Small Easter egg hunt in the backyard

Easter morning tradition of Resurrection rolls

Easter baskets

 All dressed up for worship

Singing praise songs Easter morning
(Ember LOVES performing in front of people!)


Easter dinner with Dustin's parents and Jared, Hope, and Harper

And yes.... this one was a little overkill but we did our 2nd annual friend Easter egg hunt

1 comment:

  1. Fun filled weekend!
    Embee's hair curled is adorable!! And that picture of her with her hands up singing on stage- she looks so much like you there!
    Beautiful family picture!!
