Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Kade Easton Evans

August 9, 2018 2:09 am
6 lbs 4 oz, 18 inches

One of the clients at the gym who is a labor and delivery nurse said that first babies are typically slow, second babies like to come really fast, and then third babies can be a wildcard. That was definitely true for our baby #3! I felt like I was pregnant much longer than I actually was. Some of the reason for this was my original due date was July 23. When I went in for an early ultrasound, they changed my due date to August 2. Dustin and I went with it but I think we were still assuming the baby would come around July 23.  But that date came and went and no baby. Then we were hoping for July 31 to match Ember and Reece both being born on the 31st of the month. That day also came and went. 

After I was overdue, my doctor's office wanted me to do a NST (No Stress Test) and another ultrasound to make sure everything looked good with baby's size and that the amniotic fluid levels looked good. All looked good except for the circumference of our baby's tummy was measuring a little small. This can mean that baby isn't getting enough to eat in utero. They recommended that we get induced. We strongly believe that due dates are estimates and the baby will come when it is time so we declined since everything else looked good. I was having contractions about every few days that were very slowly progressing but than they would stop for a few days as well. I knew that my body was getting closer to labor but I didn't know how long it would take. We continued taking long walks and praying that God would let baby come on his/her own.

Then on Wednesday evening, Dustin was giving the kids a bath and I was working on ironing a black piece of fabric for Ember's 1st day of Kindergarten pictures the next morning when I started feeling some contractions again but they seemed different. There was more pressure involved. I continued with getting the kids to bed feeling contractions all along. I mentioned to Dustin "Don't get too nervous or anything but I am feeling some pretty good contractions that feel different than the usual." I also start getting emotional at the thought of missing Ember's first day of Kindergarten if this really is the real thing. I had a good cry and then finished packing my hospital bag and getting a list ready for Grandma for what Ember needs for her first day of school.

Then, all of the sudden, the contractions and pressure just stopped! Nothing! I went and took a bath, relaxed and shaved, and then came back out by Dustin and my mom and still nothing was happening. Dustin and I decided we might as well go to bed. So, off we went to try and sleep! Only a few minutes after the lights were out, a BIG contraction hit again. We began timing the contractions and they were between 3-6 minutes apart and increasing in intensity. We decided that since Reece came so quick we had better head to the hospital just in case.

So, we packed up the car and headed to the hospital. We got there around 11:15 pm. I was able to walk into the hospital and fill out my own paperwork this time while breathing through contractions. Then I got changed into my hospital gown and they monitored the baby for a while. Finally, they checked me to see how far along I was and I was at 7 cm. They then took us to a labor and delivery room.

Here, the contractions continued - painful but not unbearable - for about another hour. They checked me again and I was only at 8 cm. They offered to break my water saying that it might speed things up a little bit. We decided to do that! Then the contractions got MUCH MORE intense even causing me to throw up once from the pain. After what seemed like another hour, I was starting to feel like I needed to push. They checked me again and said I was at 9.5 cm but the thought I could push through the final bit of cervix in the way so everyone came in and we got ready to push!

When the next contraction came, I gave a big push and they could see the head. "Wow! That is a lot of hair" was all I heard. After that initial contraction of pushing, my contractions decided to just take a break. So, we are all sitting there in position to get this baby born and no more contractions were coming. Finally, another contraction came and I pushed and pushed and our baby was born! And Dustin got to announce "It's a boy!" Kade Easton Evans was born at 2:09 am.

I got to hold our dear little Kade for 90 minutes skin to skin and he started to suckle and even latched on to eat during this time. It was a precious time and quite the distraction from them stitching me up from a small tear. Then they weighed him and cleaned him up a little and Daddy got his turn to hold sweet Kade!

In the morning, Kade got his first bath. He liked his hair getting washed and brushed but he wasn't a fan of his sponge bath.

He did like laying under the warmer after he was done and back in his clothes.

Some daddy/son time before the visitors started rolling in! 

Mima and Pappy stopped by next to meet their 7th grandchild

And then big sister Ember and big brother Reece came by with Grandma and Grandpa to meet their new brother/6th grandchild.

We got our first picture as a family of 5!

Kade relaxing during the afternoon!

We had one more night in the hospital. But Kade and Mommy checked out good the next morning so they got us out of there pretty quickly. Supposedly, there were no more rooms available in labor and delivery as well so they needed ours :) 

We are so thankful that Kade is finally here and we are a family of 5 now!  We are so thankful for this 3rd precious gift from the Lord. So many adventures lie ahead!! 

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