Monday, October 15, 2018

Kade - 2 Months Old


The big two month old weighs 9.8 lbs (2nd percentile) and is 20.5 inches long (0 percentile). Our little guy has been our best night sleeper so far and only wakes up 1-2 times a night consistently. He is beginning to be awake and alert for about an hour before needing another nap and naps for 1-2 hours. He is still sleeping in our room in the bassinet and we swaddle him from the arms down. He has begun to really like sucking on his whole hand or his thumb specifically when in his bed. He is still wearing some newborn clothes but has moved to size 1 diapers. 

Kade loves having someone near him to interact. He doesn't necessarily need to be held but his favorite times are when someone is near him talking, reading, or singing. He will give the biggest smiles and cutest coos. He really enjoys his play gym. He loves hitting the hanging stuffed whale and grabbing onto the turtle rattle hanging near him as well. He likes taking baths and still really seems to enjoy the Ergo carrier. He loves when we get him into his pajamas close to bedtime and loves when we come in and get him up from his bed after he wakes up. Kade is doing much better with enjoying tummy time and always kicks his little feet against the ground propelling himself forward and off the blanket or burp cloth. 

Kade really is a pretty content baby overall and there are not too many things that he doesn't like. Sometimes he gets mad when I burp him in the middle of his feeding. He also usually cries when we take him OUT of his bath. Besides that, he only really fusses when he is getting tired. 

During this last month, Kade has learned how to hold his head up better, make more coo noises, and started grasping objects that are around him. He is doing very good at tracking people or things that are around him and as stated earlier has started moving and grooving a few inches when he is on his tummy. He also learned how to drink out of a bottle and has done really well with taking bottle feedings. 

Kade experienced some more firsts this month. He played in the play gym for the first time. He tried and drank from a bottle the first time. He took his first bath in his blue bathtub in the newborn sling. Kade went to Bearizona for the first time and also went hiking for the first time at Griffith Springs. He moved into size 1 diapers. He went to his first restaurant when we got breakfast at La Bellavia to support the Drayton's new ownership of their second restaurant. And Kade went to his first wedding - he slept through Lauren and Kyle Womble getting married. 

He is learning and growing more and more each day. And I just can't get over how cute he is! We love our little boy so much!! 

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