Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Kade - 3 Years Old

 Kade turns 3!! 

Ugh! The baby is THREE! How does that happen? There are three words that about sum up this fun toddler - spunky, silly, and sweet. Kade has many different sides to him and he keeps us on our toes. We love him so much and he is the perfect bookend to our family! 

Kade is 33 inches tall and weighs about 25 lbs. He sleeps on the bottom bunk of a bunk at night with Reece sleeping on the top. He still takes naps on most days and takes those in a pack n' play in Mom and Dad's room. He falls asleep pretty quickly most nights and sleeps as long as his big brother will let him. However, if we are on vacation he tends to be an earlier riser. Kade sucks his thumb when he is falling asleep or half in/half out of sleep. He asks us to sing him "Holy Holy Holy" or "Twinkle Twinkle" starting off slow and then switching to fast each night before bed.

 Kade is a very silly little boy. He loves to be goofy by making weird noises, making funny faces, or doing interesting things. He started adding the name "Bobby" to everyone's name (i.e. Daddy Bobby, Sissy Bobby, etc.) He also runs over to the backyard fence when one of our elderly neighbors walks by and says "Hi, Rick Bobby!" Kade is fairly outgoing in most situations and will answer people when they ask him his name or age. He is such an encourager and will tell all of us good job for random things such as playing soccer, washing the car, feeding Maci, and even going to the bathroom. Kade is independent and likes to try and do things himself which often causes frustrations because he isn't always able to do what he wants to do. Kade is also an inciter (as most little brothers seem to be at times) and knows how to push people's buttons when he wants to. He has a lot of drama packed into his little frame and everyone close by knows it when he isn't happy with something. Kade also loves to cuddle and give random hugs and randomly say "I love you." And he is always asking if he can do things "tomorrow" or when he "is bigger." 

Kade is usually a pretty easy kid to please and has many things that he likes and are his favorites. Kade loves being outside and asks if he can eat outside at almost every lunch and dinner mealtime. He loves going for walks and playing at parks as well. He really enjoys when we walk to the airport to watch the airplanes take off and land. He loves going on trips and is constantly asking if we are going to Bearizona, Sedona, or Mexico. He is loving splash pads and pools more and more each time he does them. Kade likes books and some of his favorites are "5 Little Monkey's Jumping on the Bed," "Brown Bear," and "Richard Scary's Book of All Things that Go." He will say that his favorite song is "If You are Happy and You Know It" and "Wheels on the Bus" if he hears them playing somewhere. Kade is a good eater but his go to favorite foods are: cereal, egg, grapes, banana, Cuties, macaroni and cheese, cheese crisp, yogurt, carrots, sausage, hot dog, and pizza. 

Kade has many favorite toys and games! His favorite thing to play with is his family. He is almost always tagging along with someone to play or see what they are doing. He loves Reece to push him around in his new dump truck outside. And Reece and him are often found riding the Plasma car and big firetruck back and forth through the hallway in the house. Kade loves to play doctor and baby with Ember. He also likes to draw or color with her when she is doing that. Kade loves playing dress up and will often come down dressed as Batman, a chipmunk, or a Ninja Turtle. He loves Silly Putty, bouncy balls, balloons, bubbles, water balloons, and bubble wrap. 

Kade, of course, has some things that he doesn't like as well. He gets really embarrassed and frustrated when he falls or gets hurt when others are around. He also gets upset when he can't do something. He usually doesn't like me leaving him whether just at home or especially with a childcare worker like at the gym. Kade doesn't like long hikes and gets whiney and just wants to be held after a while. He lets you know if he doesn't like a smell that he smells by scrunching up his face and saying something that sounds like "eelah."

Kade has learned many things this year. He is now able to get himself dressed completely - shoes, socks, shirt, and pants. He can also get himself undressed. He has gotten really good at using a spoon and fork and can buckle himself in his booster to eat. He throws his trash away and puts his snack bowl in the sink when he is done. Kade has gotten really good at his Strider bike and can ride at a steady walking pace and balance on it.  He knows most of his colors and can semi count to 10.  He knows SO MANY words and phrases and talks in really good sentences. He still gets words wrong or mixed up here and there, of course, but it is cute. If you tell him not to do something he will say "I willn't." And he will say things like "Mom, do you see the stream jet?" when he sees a jetstream. 

There is never a dull moment with Kade around but we love the excitement and zeal for life he brings to our family. He is created uniquely and God has given Kade many gifts for which I am excited to see how God will use in the future. Happy 3rd Birthday, Kade! 


We started the day off with opening his presents. He got a "shoot gun," a big dump truck, his very own umbrella, a backpack, and some cute garage/wooden car toys. 

Next, we sang to him for a small breakfast.

Then we headed down for brunch at Indian Gardens in Oak Creek 

Finally, we picked blackberries and played in the water in Oak Creek Canyon

Some more pictures from the last year! 

And here is Kade's 3 year interview! 

What do you and Mommy do together? Play some Legos and music

What do you and Daddy do together? Play some toys

What makes you happy? Just toys

What is something scary? Ghost 

What are you really good at? Coloring and painting

Who is your best friend? Legoland

What do you want to be when you grow up? A monkey

What do you think about before you fall asleep? I don't know

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