Thursday, August 15, 2019

First Day of School

1st day of the 2019-2020 school year! 

I was feeling emotional the night before the 1st day of school and couldn't sleep so I was inspired to write a simple poem back like I used to do when I was younger. 

"Twas the night before school starts and all through the house
A mama was scurrying and hurrying around like a mouse

Scissors and crayons were set in their backpacks with care
In hopes that each item would safely make it there.

The children were clean and all snuggled in bed
While visions of recess danced around in their head

Putting notes in their lunches and names on their things
This mama kept herself busy so not to remember what all this means

Another school year starting; another grade begun
In a blink it'll be over; in a flash it will be done

So as they head off wearing a backpack dangling down to their knees
Before you let them go - take a moment, please! 

Savor them right now for it goes much too fast
And hug them a little bit longer because Kindergartners don't last"

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