Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Kade - 12 MONTHS OLD!

And just like that it happened! Kade is 12 months/ 1 year old! Wow! It goes by so so fast! 

Kade weighs 16 lbs 8 oz and is 27 inches long. He sleeps in the office at night in a pack n' play and then in our master bedroom for naps in a different pack n' play. He is sleeping through the night - going to bed between 7:30-8:00 and waking up around 6:30 in the morning. Kade is still in transition from taking two naps to taking only one nap. He still switches back and forth depending on the day. Kade still wears a size 3 diaper and is in 6-12 month clothes except for a few 3 month size articles of clothing still hanging around that fit him. Kade got one more tooth this month for a grand total of 8 teeth for the little guy. 

There is so much in life that Kade likes and he is happy most of the time! He just loves crawling, walking along things, and exploring. He loves to go up the stairs when we are there with him and let him get past the gate blocking them. He loves being outside in the grass and crawling around and picking up and trying to eat rocks, wood chips, leaves, etc. He loves to swing when we are at the park. Kade absolutely adores when someone sits on the floor and will let him crawl/wrestle around on them. He treats us as human jungle gyms. He loves playing peek a boo and being tickled. He loves to make silly noises - his current favorite is to do this low pitched growling noise. It is hilarious to hear and he pretty much does it on command. He loves to compete and make noise when something else loud is making noise whether it be his siblings, the vacuum, my blow dryer, or the blender. Kade seems to really enjoy carrying around toys and putting them in new places. His favorite toys are balls of any kind, socks, wooden blocks, and anything that makes noise. He also loves carrying these toys around in his mouth as he crawls.  Kade also loves soft things like pillows, blankets, and the kids stuffed animal zip up storage bags. He will fall onto these soft things face first and squeal into the fabric. He still really enjoys water, whether that is in the form of the bath, water table, pool or splash pad. Kade still loves eating food and now speed crawls over to his booster when he sees me taking his tray over to the dining room table. His current favorite foods are almost all fruits, pouches, fruit and grain bars, french fries, peas and carrots, veggie straws, and cheese crackers. Kade gets really excited when you get his water bottle out for him and seems to enjoy being able to get water himself out of that. Kade likes taking naps and going to bed and usually wakes up happy and throws all this stuffed animals out of his bed and then makes the pack n play hit the wall by standing and shaking it.

Kade really only cries or fusses if he gets hurt or if we leave him in his booster or the car seat longer than he would prefer or if he is tired. Other than that there is not much this happy boy doesn't like. 

This month, Kade has learned how to stand on his own for up to 5 seconds without support and on his actual birthday he took his first unassisted step! Kade learned how to drink out of his sippy cup with a straw as well this month. He is continuing to make more and more noises and we are beginning to think he understands what "mama" and "dada" mean. 

Kade had a few more firsts this month as well. He went to the movie theater for the first time which he liked but wasn't all that enjoyable for Mommy. Kade had his first birthday party with his friend Jaxon. He went to the creek for the first time and liked crawling around in the shallow water and dirt. Daddy gave Kade his first haircut this month and Kade got to ride in the bike trailer for the first time as well this month which he seemed to enjoy. We went to Mexico and it was the first time Kade was old enough to crawl and he loved playing in the sand and shallow tide pools. He tried almond butter, fig bars, cheese crackers, and cake for the first time this month and loved them all. 

We had a wonderful month enjoying our sweet boy at such a fun age and pray that his happy and joyful demeanor lasts much longer than his first year of life. We are so grateful that God put Kade into our family and can't imagine what life was like before we had him. We love you Kade! HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY! 

For his birthday we went to the park for a little bit in the morning and then did a few presents and a smash cake after dinner! Ember and Reece were more excited about the presents and cake than Kade was. 

And here are a few more pictures from the month! 

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