Monday, September 9, 2019

Reece turns 4!!

Our sweet Reecey boy is FOUR years old! It seems like just yesterday he was a little baby but now he is turning into a little boy. It has been so eye opening to see just how different Reece is from his sister as he has gotten older. God sure is creative! We are very excited to see what God has in store for Reece as he continues to grow and mature.

Here is the big 4 year old!


Reece is currently about 31 lbs and he is 39 inches tall. Reece is sleeping in a toddler bed in his own room. We have experimented with putting Kade in the crib in the room with Reece a few times and Reece is excited for when he will always have his little brother in there with him. Reece goes to bed around 7:30 and wakes up between 6:30-7:00 most days. He has a quiet time each day which he spends playing with his toys and sometimes looking at his books or singing. He naps once every week to two weeks or if he is sick or we had a really late night.

Reece, from the depths of his heart, loves physical touch. He loves to be hugged and kissed. He loves sitting on our laps if we are available to sit. And when you sit next to him at the dinner table he will continue to hold your hand after prayer and then constantly rub your arm or link his arm in yours while eating. He hugs and loves hard - sometimes so hard that you think he might knock you over. He is the boy that randomly runs over to you and says "I love you!" out of the blue before running back off to play. Reece is loud and very active. We remind him to slow down and be careful countless times each day. Recently, Reece has been struggling with being thankful for the good things going on instead of always looking for the bad and using big boy words when he does or doesn't like something that is happening. But overall, he is packed full of sweetness and silliness.

Some of Reece's favorite things are his siblings! He loves playing with Ember (when they are choosing to be kind to one another). They wrestle together, do crafts together, make up games to play with one another, and just explore together. Reece also is enjoying being a big brother to Kade. He constantly is trying to get him to laugh or giggle and often comments on how cute Kade is. Reece's second favorite thing after his siblings is anything that moves. He loves playing with, pointing out, and looking at books/watching movies about construction trucks, airplanes and helicopters, and all emergency vehicles. Reece seems to constantly be hungry and is always excited for the next meal or snack. Some of his favorite foods are cereal, waffles, banana and almond butter wrapped in a tortilla, hot dogs, macaroni, pizza, grapes, watermelon, granola bars, veggie straws, french  fries, and any kind of treat (except root beer floats). Reece is greatly enjoying preschool and talks about playing with his friends there, playing outside, and singing silly songs. He always tells me that he didn't learn anything new though. Reece also loves being outside whether we are going for a walk/hike, riding bikes, or playing at a park. He loves playing with his friends at play dates and school. He loves The Summit and the play place at the mall. Reece loves going on trips and has grown to greatly enjoy swimming and playing at the beach. Reece loves when he can help us with something and is learning to put his laundry away, help dad with the backyard landscaping, and put the silverware away. When he goes grocery shopping with Mom, he enjoys riding in the humongous car carts and holding the green produce bag ties until mom needs them. Reece also loves to help carry things in from the car after we get home. And when one of us comes home and he wasn't with us he runs out into the garage to greet us and always wants to honk the car horn if Kade is awake. 

Reece has many favorite games and toys to play with. One of his long time favorite games is Hide and Seek. He also likes playing "tickle bridge" and chase the stretch strap (made up games by dad.) Reece enjoys playing Uno, Zingo, Weed the Woozle, and Twister as well. His favorite toys are all his truck toys. He loves pushing them around the floor and making them crash into each other. Reece loves riding the Plasma car around the house way to fast and jumping on his Fly Bar pogo stick. He loves riding his Strider bike and playing with his outdoor construction trucks in the dirt and wood chips. Reece is really enjoying his scratch art and loves to make Perler bead creations. Reece has learned how to do his 24 piece vehicle puzzle by himself and likes to do that often as well. He likes to practice cutting with his scissors and coloring and painting with Ember. He also enjoys playing with little construction trucks in play dough. Reece really looks forward to watching his show after quiet time each day. He loves Lightening McQueen, Paw Patrol, and PJ Masks. He enjoys playing on the computers at the library and getting Chick Fil-A for lunch. Reece loves looking for and picking up bugs - his favorites are rolly polly bugs, worms, and slugs. 

There are some things that Reece doesn't like as well. He is very particular and likes things done in the correct order. He gets upset sometimes if things are mixed up. He doesn't always like to do things for himself and would rather have someone else do it for him. He is getting old enough to realize that he doesn't like Ember always telling him what to do or not do. He doesn't like Kade getting his things and getting them all wet since he still puts lots of things in his mouth. Reece also doesn't like being cold and seems to have cold blood. It will be the dead of summer and his room is probably close to 90 degrees at bed time and he will want long sleeve and long pants pajamas with his comforter over him and no fan.

Reece is a little more hesitant to try new things and some days just wants to stay home rather than going somewhere. He isn't very interested in learning his numbers and letters and would rather play. He has been liking working on his "homework book" and doing Tot School with Mom and little things are starting to click. Reece can color surprisingly well and is even starting to draw some simple things. He seems to get more overwhelmed by things where there are large groups of kids and little structure. He did go to VBS for the first time this year and greatly enjoyed it - although when I told him we were going to VBS on Tuesday morning (the 2nd day) he made a face and said, "What? Not again!" 

And this boy sure is silly! He loves making silly faces of all sorts! He loves doing silly dances when he is excited for something. When we were potty training this past year, he would come to get a Skittle after successfully going and would dance and sing "Skittle, oh yeah!" He giggles like crazy when we tickle him and loves when we pick him up and swing him upside down. His genuine real belly laugh is the best! 

Reece has learned a lot this past year. The biggest accomplishment was potty training and he is doing so well with it now. Reece also learned how to get his shoes and socks on and can get dressed by himself most of the time. He takes his dishes to the sink after meals and can brush his own teeth. Reece has learned how to count to 20 and sing the ABC's song. He knows pretty much all his colors and he knows the common shapes as well. He balances so good on his Strider bike and is very close to riding his new bike without training wheels. 

Reece truly is such a special boy that you can't help but love. He is often telling us to be careful and asking us if we are ok if we hurt ourselves. His love and concern for others shines through daily. He is very self-less (definitely not all the time) for a four year old. He will let Ember go first for something even though it is his turn or offer to share his snack or food with someone just to be kind. Our family is better with Reece in it. He swings high and low often and pushes our buttons frequently but the hugs and the sweetness make up for it. God has big things planned for this boy and we are honored to be in the front row seats to witness it!

Birthday Fun:

Reece wanted blueberry pancakes for breakfast.

Then he opened a few presents.

We went to the Demolition Derby at the county fair and ran into two of his good friends and got to sit with them

We had pizza for dinner and then went to get a special treat for dessert.

The week before Reece's birthday we took a trip to Sedona to celebrate and got to go swimming and had dinner with his Mima and Pappy and Uncle Jared, Aunt Hope, and Cousin Harper.

The Thursday before Reece's birthday, we took a little surprise to the kids in his preschool class.

Reece's 4 Year Interview:

Favorite color? Blue and green

Favorite toy? Trucks

Favorite food? Pizza

A food you don't really like? Spicy sausage and spicy salsa

Favorite thing to watch? Monster truck movie

Favorite place to go? To get ice cream at Baskin Robins

Favorite book? "Little Blue Truck"

Favorite song? "You are my Sunshine"

Favorite restaurant? Chick Fil-A

Favorite thing to do each day? Take a walk

Favorite thing to do with Mommy? Homework book

Favorite thing to do with Daddy? Play Candyland

What makes you happy? Daddy tickling me

What is something scary? Ghost

What are you really good at? Doing my homework book and picking up pinecones

Who is your best friend? Owen Kayser, Micah Mews, Graeme Crozier, Eisley Drayton, and Sam Magness

What do you want to be when you grow up? Driver of a tanker truck

What do you think about before you fall asleep? I think about what we are going to do tomorrow

Here are a few more pictures of Reece from the last year! 

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