Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Our New Place BF (Before Furniture)

This is what our new home looked like before we added any furniture! 

This is the bathroom! We are excited about the drawers to store things in and we actually have a medicine cabinet that opens! The washer and dryer will also be crammed into this bathroom next to the shower! It will be a tight fit but definitely workable!

This is the side angle of the kitchen! The fridge is bigger than our old one, we have a gas stove, and there is way more storage than the last place we were at. We do, however, have less counter space to work on! And we had to buy a cheap step stool so that I can reach things because the cabinets are all really high.

This is the bedroom! the paint color is a light green color that we really like! the bathroom is to the right when you walk in and there is a closet to the left that connects to the living room as well.

And now... for all of ours (especially Maci's) favorite part - THE OUTDOOR AREA!!!

This is what you see walking around the building to the outdoor area

This is what you see once you are out in the open area

And here is the stream that is mostly frozen now but runs in the spring and summer time and has little frogs and fish in it! 

Well, that is it for now! I will take some pictures of the finished product in the next few days and post those on here as well!! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh so fun!!! Glad you got some pictures up!! It looks nice without furniture in it, so I can't want to see what it will look like with all your nice things in place. The outdoor area is so lovely! It's so cute too! Lots of cute pictures can be taken around there for sure!! :)
    Glad there seems to be more cabinet space! And we had to buy a small step stool too, cause I couldn't reach in ours either! haha! And be careful with that gas stove! something new to get use to!! :) (at least I don't think you had one at your old place)
