Thursday, December 1, 2011

Our New Place AF (After Furniture)

So.... here it is!! Furnished and cozy as ever!!!

This is the outside of our triplex building! Here is our entry way complete with our wreath!

After you walk in the door, to the immediate right is the kitchen! As you can see, Baby RC is placed on the fridge so we can be thinking of and praying for him and his parents :)

To the left when you walk in is our living room! We fit the coach, love seat, and one side table. It turned out rather nicely! And it is right by our heater so it stays so toasty warm in here!

We found a way to fit our newer brown bookshelf in. It is straight ahead on the wall when you walk in the door. We haven't found the perfect place for the beautiful "E" for Evans from Ally yet! Still looking! :)

In the back corner of the house is our dining table which fits perfectly and we can sit normally at it comfortably!

Now moving on to our bedroom where we barely fit our bed and the two night stands.

In the corner of the bedroom we made a tiny little "home office" with our file cabinet and our printer.

Lastly, here is our washer/dryer and a picture of the bathroom! And yet again we have our brown curtain to keep the light out of the bedroom when one of us is getting ready while the other is still sleeping! It works pretty darn good! :)

Well, that was the GRAND blog style tour! Hope you enjoyed it! Can't wait for you all to come and get to see it in person some day!! :)

1 comment:

  1. You are right! It does look like a little country house! So cute! I really like the entry way and how nice there are no stairs this time!! right? :)
    Your kitchen looks nice! Nice knifes! :) Thanks for putting the picture up and praying for us all! :)
    The living room is so cute! I LOVE the windows! So fun! It looks so cozy and not crowded at all! What is that mat in front of the couch?
    Glad you could get the newest bookcase in somewhere! It seems like the perfect spot! Nice!
    The washer and dryer look nice! I am sure you are loving them being in your house! :) Looks like there is a shelf above the shower! That's neat and never seen one! I bet you need your stole to reach the top of that too! :)

    It is most lovely! Thanks for posting pictures!
    I can't wait to get your christmas card! :)
    Love you!

    So glad the table fits! it looks great and glad it can be sat at normally! :) I had forgotten how light the color of wood it has on it! I had thought it was darker than that. silly me!
    Your bedroom looks so nice and cozy! Glad the main things fit in there! And smart to do a little office in the corner! Which reminds me, we have added to our bedroom and I never put pictures up! I should do that!
