Sunday, March 11, 2012

Amber's Baby Shower

It was wonderful to see all my college girl's again all at once! We met up on Saturday morning and went to Mimi's Cafe for breakfast! Spent alot of time telling stories and laughing! :)

Then we headed to Amber's church for the shower! We had a mini photo shoot of us girls and then enjoyed good fellowship and food! 


  1. What a fun weekend you had. Seeing old friends and being able to spend so much time with everyone! So fun! Glad you were able to! And then you get to come see us in just a few days! :) YAY! I would say you have had a very good Spring Break!

  2. Amazing photo shoot of baby shower. My friend organized a party for her sister at one of beautiful venue New York last week. Everything over there was eye catching. Planning to book same venue for my birthday party also.
