Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fishing at Lake Mary

Dustin got a fishing license this year for the first time since we have gotten married! He couldn't wait to try it out and wanted to go fishing at Lake Mary (real close to town) even though there isn't much water in the lake yet and it was really windy! He didn't catch any fish but he had fun! Maci loved running around in the mud, and I got to read a book all cocooned up in a blanket! :) We will definitely try this outing again in the near future!


  1. Look at Maci sitting all nice and pretty in the first picture! It looks like it was a very relaxing time! Glad he got one and hope he can catch a fish or two at some point! :)

  2. What's new with the Evans??!?! It's been a while! :) But i keep checking! Love you!
