Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sinagua Shower

Kelly put together a small shower at Sinagua for me! She put up streamers and balloons in the Health Room and put table clothes over a few of the tables. She made a TON of amazing food all by herself such as: hummus and veggies, a watermelon baby carriage with fruit dip, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, cake pops, scones, mini blueberry muffins, zucchini bread and more! She went above and beyond in blessing me and baby girl! And I got some more cool stuff from generous people! I only posted a few things below!

(The watermelon/cantaloupe baby wasn't frowning till someone wanted some cantaloupe) :)
We got SO MANY bags and boxes of diapers and wipes! So COOL! We will need them!


1 comment:

  1. Wow Kelly did really do it! She made so much and looks like she did such a good job. Was this shower a surprise? Didn't hear about it before now! Very neat to have yet another one! Loved to see that pile of diapers and wipes! :) Yes you will need them!! Such cute little clothes too!
