Saturday, September 29, 2012

Snowbowl Road Maternity Pics

Dustin and I decided to drive up to the top of Arizona Snowbowl Road and take some fall maternity pictures with the changing Aspen leaves. Here are some of our favorites! (Maci and Daisy both got to come since we are watching her for a night)

Maci was constantly peaking over the log and watching us take our pictures

Here are the two little sisters posing in the Aspen leaves :)

As we finished our pictures, a medical helicopter flew up and circled a few times before landing in an open meadow next to the parking lot! Hopefully the man they came to get was ok.

As you can tell, we went up to the Peaks at the perfect time to get the leaves changing. It was a fun trip and we are happy with the pictures! :) 3 weeks and 3 days till the due date!!

1 comment:

  1. These turned out so good and the leaves sure did help! Great job, and it looks like you two had fun! Fun seeing the pup sisters together too!!
