Sunday, October 7, 2012

Getting Ready for Baby Girl's Arrival

We have been trying to get things done that need to be done before the little one comes since we are at the point where she could come at anytime :) :) :)
1) We washed all of the baby stuff in baby detergent so that it is ready for her to sleep on, wear, or be cuddled in. Here is just one of the FOUR loads sitting out on the bed.
Maci kept jumping up and laying between the two piles of laundry waiting to be washed! She is excited for the baby to come too!! :)

2) We got Maci groomed! She looks so prim and proper again!
3) We installed the car seat base into my car! It seems very secure and wasn't that hard to do!

4) We got the bassinet a sheet that will fit it's mattress and put the crib bumper on so it is ready to go once we get home with her!
5) And we wrote a simple birth plan and printed that up to take to the hospital with us so they know what we do and do not want to be done during labor and delivery.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I loved this post! All the fun last minute things as you wait for the baby to come at God's perfect time.
    Great job mom and dad and big sister getting everything set up! :)
