Saturday, March 2, 2013

4 Months!

Here is what our little baby girl has been up to this month!

Anyone that has been around Ember more than a few minutes is aware that she is STILL a talker! She talks to anybody and everybody and then to herself if no one is listening. She learned how to hold on to and shake a rattle and her pink O-ball recently. She has found her two middle fingers and enjoys sucking on those while I am burping her, during naps, in the carseat, playing on her blanket... pretty much anywhere. She no longer needs to be swaddled or in her Wombie for nights or naps. At night, we still swaddle her lower body to keep her warm but she usually is out of the swaddle by morning. She has slept 7 hours straight a few times recently and seems to not be needing to eat at night quite as often. I usually have to get up and feed her once every night still. I truly cannot complain about this because she always goes right back to sleep after she eats. Ember got to celebrate her first Valentine's Day this year and enjoyed some extra cuddles from mom and dad and she got her very first flowers! Her daddy bought her Carnations for her first Valentine's Day. We have taken the newborn head support out of Ember's carseat so she has a little more wiggle room in there. Her neck strength is much better than it was last month so she has been enjoying playing in the bouncer she got from her cousin Corbin. Ember has found that she can pull her headbands off and has done that a couple of times. She also is watching her feet a little more closely and curiously. I am sure that in no time those cute little feet will be in her mouth :) She is much more aware of her surroundings in general and the pictures this month were hard to get her to look at me because she kept looking at Maci walking by or her feet. Ember got her first sickness this past month. She has been congested for the past 3 days and has a cough. Besides hearing the congestion, I would never guess that she is sick because she is eating well, sleeping wonderfully, and playing and talking as if nothing is wrong. She is a trooper! She managed to share her cold with me and I am not handling it quite as happily. Overall, Ember is a VERY content baby. She is good at playing by herself but loves when we hold, talk, and play with her as well. She continues to steal our hearts more and more every day! Happy 4 Months Ember!

1 comment:

  1. Growing so big!! Sounds like she has quite the personality! Love it!
