Monday, March 18, 2013

The Life of a 4 Month Old

Here is what has been going on with Ember during her 4th month of life :)

She had a few visitors recently - Alli Hughes and Gpa & Gma Flin

Isn't it cute that Alli and Ember were both wearing stripes?? And Ember got to go to Yogurt U for her first time. She didn't like the care ride over but once we were there she was happy!

She is continuing to LOVE bath time! She is beginning to splish and splash around!

Ember got a new carrier with the money that Gpa & Gma Flin gave her for Valentine's Day... She loves it!

She has been working out at HAPT some more.....

... and getting so big and strong that she sat in her stroller for the first time and is getting so much better at holding her head up and getting closer to sitting supported without slumping over.

And she sure thinks she is pretty cute :)

And her mommy and daddy definitely agree with her on that!!


  1. I love, love, love the new pictures! She is getting so big! I need to see her soon! :) Miss you friend! Looks like you all are doing well! Oh, and Matt and I have that puzzle too! :)

  2. I agree, Jenn! Such cute new pictures!! Glad she likes her new carrier. Does mommy?? Aren't they handy?
    Love that little green outfit she has one at the gym!
    She is doing so well sitting up! That is exciting! I love how she just has one sock on! :) That happens a lot!
    She sure is a cutie! Love that big smile and the mirror picture! Such a happy girl!!
