Tuesday, July 9, 2013

8 Months Old!

On the very last day of last month, Ember started crawling. And she has not stopped moving since! She got better and better at crawling every day and still continues to get faster and more coordinated! She loves it! And after only about a week and a half of crawling, Ember decided that she would pull herself to standing too! I turned around one day I was in her room and she was standing in her crib smiling at me - so proud! And that was our cue to lower her crib down so she doesn't fall out. Then she started pulling herself up on anything that she could reach - her toy basket, daddy's lap top case, the couch, etc. There were quite a few other new things this month as well. Ember finally got to sit in the shopping cart like a big girl. She loves looking around at all the things and people and chewing on the cart and mommy's purse. She got to go to her first 1st Friday Night Art Walk in downtown Flagstaff. We had to move her baby bathtub into the big bathtub for bath time instead of the sink because she was splashing water ALL OVER the kitchen and us when it was in the sink. She loves bath time so much that when we turn the water on in the bath tub, she immediately starts crawling toward the bathroom (as Maci tries to run and hide). One time, she even pulled herself up on the bathtub and looked like she was trying to jump in! Ember got to try some more new foods this month - she had avocado, sweet potatoes, sweet peas, and bananas. She ate all of them but sweet potatoes and bananas are definitely her favorite. She also gets very excited for meal time and will crawl over to her booster seat when we ask her if she wants to eat. We went down on a mini vacation to the Sheraton Crescent in PHX and Ember got to go swimming for the first time. She seemed like she didn't mind it but also didn't absolutely love it. Most of the time in the pool she was just chilling with her fingers in her mouth. Ember got to celebrate her Daddy's first Father's Day with him and went to Texas Road House for the first time. She got a little scared when the servers did the "Yehaw" after the birthday song. Ember seems to know the concept of throwing a ball back and forth and does pretty good except for when it accidentally goes behind her. Ember and Mommy went to the Flagstaff Public Library for story time and Ember got to go down a slide and swing in a baby swing for the first time also this month. Her personality is coming out more and more. She loves to put her hands in the air and then slam them down to the ground. She loves smacking her lips together, repeatedly saying "dadadadad" or "bababababa", and making spitting noises. Sometimes Dustin and I cannot talk because she gets louder and louder as if trying to make more noise than us. She loves stroller rides and being able to explore. She is not so fond of her car seat and the changing table at this stage in life but overall Ember is so content and happy and we definitely could not ask for a more precious baby girl! 

1 comment:

  1. I can NOT believe she is 8 months old already.... that's CRAZY!!!! I can't believe the only time I have seen her was last December.... she is absolutely adorable and just keeps getting cuter! Sweet potatoes and bananas were Blake's all time favorites too! :)
