Saturday, July 13, 2013

Friends! Friends all around!

We had a week full of FRIENDS for Ember! We saw her friend Addilyn pretty much every day this week because of swim lessons and then Amber and Harper came up for a visit!

Amber and Harper came to our house first and we got lunch at the new Some Burros and then went to the park to play for a little bit before the luminous clouds and thunder forced us home.

Harper kept sticking her butt in the air and Ember thought it was fun to climb on her!

That night, Dustin, Ember, and I went over to the Mews so we could all have dinner together! 

Addilyn gave Ember some shoes and a hat that she didn't need anymore. I put both on Ember to try them out and this is what she did to her hat! :)

The next night, we had our next door neighbors over for dinner and Ember got to play with Evelyn too. They are so close in age that they are similar in so many noises and movements it is hard to tell which one made the noise or movement. It was fun to get to know our neighbors a little more! We like them alot!

1 comment:

  1. HOw fun! Glad you get to be around a lot of little girls her age! That is so nice! And nice that you can do fun things together too! :)
    I love that picture of the 3 of them on the bench. Ember's little face is so adorable! :)
    And too funny about the hat! :)
