Thursday, September 5, 2013

10 Months Old

Our big 10 month old is growing up! She went to the doctor this month and was 26.5 inches long and weighed 15 lbs and 3 oz. She is in the 7th percentile for her age.... just a petite little thing! But her size does not stop her from doing anything! She is standing for longer and longer on her own - up to about 7 seconds. She is walking all over the place while holding on to things and crawling so fast all over the place! One of her favorite things is to be up on the couch or the bed and be able to crawl, climb, and fall on the soft couch/bed. She giggles and squeals with delight when we let her do this! She continues to dance more and more to music. She will move side to side while sitting, stand and bob up and down, and of course still rock back and forth on all fours. She has decided that music is not the only thing that she should dance to but also the garbage disposal, blender, and any other loud noise she hears. Such a silly goose! Ember added sweet potato puffs, green beans, plums, and squash to her foods this month and likes all of them! We let her try a sippy cup and she is getting the hang of how to hold on to it but is still not able to suck and get the water out of it. She thinks it is fun non-the-less. Ember has learned how to wave at people and clap her hands and does one or the other pretty much all the time. She has also started sometimes doing the signs for "more" and "all done" when eating. You can tell her growing brain is trying so hard to understand this big world around her. Another big milestone - the first tooth has arrived. After a few nights of waking up more during the night, Ember's bottom left tooth poked through. Probably the biggest new thing this month for Ember was her first plane ride and her first time visiting a different state. Ember and mommy flew to Fargo, North Dakota to visit the Brucks! She did a GREAT job on the airplane, sleeping 1-1.5 hours both on the trip there and the trip back. She got to go to her first zoo while there and ride on a carousel for the first time. She loved both of those but her favorite part about the trip was playing and trying to keep up with her cousin Ryken! They spend their days playing on the air mattress, standing at the porch window, crawling after each other, and "sharing" toys. It was sad to leave the Brucks but Ember was so happy to see her daddy again - she following him around and kept staring at him as if trying to make up for lost time. Ember has also adopted a toy as her security object. She loves her silkie bear and grabs it immediately when we put her in her crib for a nap or for bedtime. I gave Ember her silkie bear on the airplane and she immediately put her two fingers in her mouth and calmed down. So precious! It was another big month in the life of Ember Renee Evans and we look forward to seeing her grow and learn more and more each day! We just wish time would slow down a little bit because our sweet little girl is growing up way too fast.


  1. She sure is a cute little thing!! :)

  2. Gosh, she sure is growing up fast! And cuter with each month she grows! :) we are glad we got to spend time with her this month!! :)
