Saturday, October 12, 2013

11 Months Old

It has been another big month for our little girl! She has gotten better and better at standing on her own and now can stand for 10+ seconds easily! At the beginning of the month, we introduced her to finger foods and she LOVES taking control and getting to eat by herself like a big girl. She started off with things she has already eaten like banana pieces, pears, and puffs but we quickly started introducing her to new foods as well. Ember has now had turkey and chicken, dairy such as yogurt and string cheese, honeydew, wheat such as sprouted grain bread, English muffins, and tortillas, blueberries, and black beans. She still breastfeeds and eats pureed foods at each meal to make sure she gets enough food. She loves her meat (like her daddy) and her cheese (just like her mommy). She is getting better and better with the sippy cup but still plays with it more than drinks from it. Ember has officially said her first word - "uh oh" and continues to say it over and over again! She has also learned how to give a high five and make a fishy face this month. We got exciting news from the Brucks family that baby Brucks #2 will be a little girl and we are all so excited for another cousin to arrive! Ember's second tooth popped through - her bottom right one. It is fun to hear her put those little teeth to good use crunching her puffs at meal time. She learned how to spin around in a circle while sitting down, how to climb a FULL flight of stairs, and how to climb all the way up onto her diaper box. The biggest new thing this month was Ember taking her first steps! One night when we were hanging out and playing as a family, we looked over to watch her take four steps in a row. After that she learned how to stand up without pulling up on anything and got that skill down to an art but still only takes between 1-4 steps at a time. It is so fun to watch her concentrate so hard to wobbly pick up and move those little feet. I am sure it will click soon for her and she will be walking everywhere in no time. Ember did finally graduate out of Size 2 diapers and moved on to Size 3 Pamper's Cruisers diapers. Just further proof that she is growing up and getting bigger. I am still in awe that in 1 month, our little 6lb 8oz helpless newborn baby girl will be a walking, talking, laughing and smiling 1 year old! 

1 comment:

  1. That is soooo awesome! Since Jace and Ember have been so close with their milestones, I'm curious to see how walking will fit into his timeline too. Jace is already 20 lbs. (about the 60th percentile) and size 3 diapers at a little over 8.5 months old. :)
