Saturday, October 12, 2013

Casa Alegre in October

Another beautiful and relaxing trip to Casa Alegre! It never gets old seeing THIS view!


Ember was eager to get to the beach....

... but she had to eat a good breakfast first

But once we got down to the beach, she was a little scared of the loud, moving water! Daddy comforted her! But she eventually warmed up to it and crawled around all over with her butt in the air like a little stink bug!

Maci tried on Ember's hat - she was obviously thrilled

And Mima got to cuddle and warm Ember up after the post ocean shower! Mima is SO funny!

And Dustin and I finished the day off with a quad ride down to the estuary.


Started the morning off by working on her walking skills

Spent the afternoon playing at the beach with Maci

And we got some cool silhouette pictures at sunset time

Dustin tried to get the telescope to work so we could look at the strange bright lights/stars we saw in the sky on previous nights! (He was REALLY excited! :)


Waiting patiently for Uncle Ryan, Aunt Molly, and Cousin Kiley and Corbin to come!!

They came! Let the beach playing fun begin!

And Maci decided that she wanted to start digging wholes in between running in circles around everyone!

Then, Ember played with the kite box and kite tail to cool off some


Dustin, Ryan, and Kiley went on a kayaking fishing adventure! Here the brothers are ready to go!

They got one!!


Playing in the ocean! Trying to stand on the boogie board. Then Kiley jumped on my back and Dustin tried to pick us both up while standing on the boogie board! We did accomplish it but the onlookers said it looked like we were trying to drown Dustin... oops!

Ember doing her two favorite things on the beach:

1) Trying to walk

2) Eating sand

Some sunset family pictures!

And a gorgeous sunset it was!

And the moon decided to peak out too! 

We LOVE this place and can't wait to spend Thanksgiving there next month!

1 comment:

  1. She is so adorable! Love the pictures of her in the sunset! Looks like a fun trip!
