Friday, December 20, 2013

Womack Wedding Weekend

I was so excited to be asked to be a bridesmaid in my beautiful friend -  Alli Hughes' wedding! Ember, Maci, and I drove down to PHX on Wednesday to take part in the Wedding festivities.
We started off with a Jazzercise! It was really a great workout!
On Thursday, 15 ladies went to get pedicures and then we went out to dinner to celebrate Alli's upcoming wedding!
I was honored to sit next to Alli during the pedicure

Friday morning Gma Flin, Ember, and I joined the Mews clan and went to the Butterfly Wonderland! It was very enjoyable!
One landed on Ember's hand!

Polite kiddos!
Silly kiddos!

My amazing photography skills! :)

Friday night was the rehearsal dinner!!
Best Friend Hug!! :)

The wedding ceremony was beautiful and the reception was fun. The food was really good too! :)


It was so great to get too spend so much time with college buddies and our kids too! Congrats to Alli and Byron Womack! I am so glad I was able to be apart of your marriage!!
(Thanks Gma & Gpa Flin for all the babysitting of baby girl! I would not have been able to attend and enjoy all the events without your help!)

1 comment:

  1. What a fun time together with family and friends!! Weddings are always so nice!!
    The butterfly wonderland looks so nice!! Loved your professional picture of the butterfly! They are such a beautiful creature God created.
