Friday, March 28, 2014

Mexico in March

Another whole week vacation in a place where God's glory is so evident! We had a wonderful time as always. It was our family, Richard, Doreen, & Bella (all week), and Uncle Lee and his dog Casey (Thurs-Mon).

Exploring the coral

Ember decided that she LOVED the hammock this trip. She loved sitting, laying, and swinging in it

She also loved pulling all the rocks out of the rock bed onto the path. But she was always really good about cleaning them up too :)

Daddy helping Ember over the sand ridges

Sandcastle time! 

She also LOVED running all over the sand!

Me and my baby girl!

Ember's 1st quad ride! She really seemed to enjoy it. We went nice and slow and she was just "singing" along as we went and making a "vroom vroom" sound

Panorama picture of a gorgeous sunset

I found this tiny sand dollar when I was cooling down from running on the beach. Ember found it later without our supervision and smashed it into a million pieces... but at least we got a picture first

Pig tails!

Bath time in the laundry room sink. She didn't seem to mind at all

While the boys were out picking up dinner to bring back one night, Doreen and I were watching the ocean bring this object in closer and closer. Once they got back, Richard went out and pulled it in. It was a turtle shell (with the flesh still inside of it) Doreen and I put it on a skim board and pulled it up by our stairs hoping an animal would eat out the insides so we could keep the shell. They didn't. But in the morning, the security guards came by and buried the turtle right by our stairs. I guess they didn't want us to have it :) Probably better that way because it was pretty stinky!


Little cutie!

Saying Goodbye :( 

There were some of the highlights of our trip! We cannot wait to Lord willing go back in MAY!! 


  1. I have been looking forward to this post! It always looks so warm! :) that hat on Ember is adorable! Where did you find one to hit her little head? Love that sandollar picture! I think it should be framed and hung at the Mexico house!
    Wow back in May already! That is soon! It will be warmer then too! Thanks for sharing!

  2. How fun!!! What a fun place to vacation!
