Monday, April 21, 2014

17 Month Happenings

Here are just a few random pictures of Ember at 17 months!! 

Mother/Daughter Selfie :)

Ember playing with her daddy! She is really enjoying being upside down these days

As soon as Dustin gets the foam roller out at the gym to stretch and roll his legs out... Ember runs over and either foam rolls with him or climbs on top of him like a horsey!

Ember likes things in two! :) 

Since Dustin has been working late 3 nights a week for the past few weeks, when he comes home and eats - Ember wants to climb up on his lap to sit with him before she goes to bed. So sweet how much she loves her Daddy!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute selfie! :) and Father/Daughter pictures are so sweet!
