Monday, April 21, 2014

And Then There Were 2!!

One of the new employees for High Altitude Personal Training is one of our good friends - Julianne (Rachael's twin sister). She has a precious little 9 month old girl named Emmerson who we are going to be watching for 5-8 hours on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday! She is a cutie and Ember loves (most of the time) having an extra baby around! 

And here is Ember with the neighbor girl Evelyn (Evi) who is only about a month older than her! We watched her for a few hours while her parents had an errand to run.


  1. That last picture of Emmerson and her big eyes is adorable! :) I see the julianana and Rachel's eyes in that picture! So sweet!
    How nice you have many little friends for Ember around to play with! What a blessing!

  2. That will be so fun for Ember! A little buddy to play with! :)
