Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Weekend!

In order to send family a card, we took a few pictures of Ember in her Easter outfit with a sign!

Here are a few of my favorites!

To celebrate Good Friday, we made a "stain glass" tissue paper cross! 

On Saturday. Ember went on her first Easter Egg hunt and loved it. She knew exactly what to do and seemed to really enjoy it! 

Then we went inside and opened the eggs up to find sparkly stickers and spiky rubber balls.

We started Easter/ Resurrection Sunday morning off with a delicious breakfast and then Ember got to open her Easter basket.

We celebrated our Risen Savior with the body of believers and went to Dustin's parents house for dinner and to celebrate with them as well. They had a few hard boiled colored eggs for Ember to search for and we got a few nice family pictures!

So thankful for our family and even more thankful for our Risen Savior. May we not just be thankful and in remembrance this weekend but ALWAYS!


  1. What nice pictures! I love that one of Ember with the "O" face while picking up the eggs! :) too cute! I love her shirt too!

  2. SOOO cute! Love all these pictures! I need to see you guys soon! She has grown so much since the last time I've seen her!
