Monday, April 21, 2014

Going Away Party

Some of the clients from HAPT volunteered to throw and cook for a going away party for Brent (and Megan before she left early). We were at a beautiful house and the brother of the home owner is a chef for some of the nicer restaurants in town. They got a whole pig from Tuscon and roasted it in a wood crate for over a day. It looks a little creepy.... but it tasted amazing! And it was fun to celebrate Brent and the contribution he has made to HAPT!

We also stopped by another clients house on the way to the party and Ember got to see real live horses! She was a little unsure about them since they were so big but she heard them neigh and did pet this horse (Q) once. 

1 comment:

  1. I can't get over that pig!! :)
    Glad Ember tried to pet it once! Did you tell her you loved horses?
