Sunday, May 11, 2014

2nd Annual Kite Festival

Flagstaff had its annual Kite Festival this past weekend to celebrate spring in Flagstaff. It was nice and warm and plenty windy to fly kites! 

We played at the park for a little bit before heading over to the actual kite flying part

Then on to the kite festivities

Ember got to color a little kite

Then we tried to fly the little kite Ember colored! (Confession: we do not even have a real kite yet... haha!) It didn't work so well! 

But we all still had fun! And next year Ember will be able to do more of the activities and play some of the carnival type games so it will be even MORE fun for her! 


  1. What a beautiful day! How neat there are little kites to color! And hey, we didn't have a kite till this years Kite Day and then it was a crumy day for it weather wise! :( hope for better day next year! And we will just have our own kite day soon!

  2. And that last picture of Ember is just adorable!

  3. Kite day sounds like so much fun! I wonder if they have one in Gilbert. Although if you are celebrating Spring right now in May, we would have to be celebrating Spring in like February. Haha. Such cute pictures.
