Saturday, September 6, 2014

Orange (Gold) Fish

Our last week of this "Brown Bear" unit :(

I decided to call it an ORANGE fish instead of a goldfish since orange is a little more common. We ended this unit well! There were a lot of really fun activities this "week". Here is what we did:

Read "Brown Bear" every day. Daddy even got to read it once to Ember and hear her "say" all the animal names and colors

Explored the color orange

Colored a picture of a fish orange

Watched videos/songs on the computer about fish

I even found a DVD about fish at the library for this week that we watched on the TV

Read some other books about ORANGE and FISH

""Orange" - Schuette
"Rainbow Fish" - Pfister
"10 Little Fish" - Wood

We used half of an orange to paint on paper with orange paint

Ate a snack of the other half of the orange and some goldfish with water in an orange sippy :)

Paint swatch fish collage

We were supposed to go to the pet store and look at fish but it just didn't happen this week.

I made a magnetic fishing game out of foam and magnets that works on hand and eye coordination along with colors! We fished inside and outside.

Then... my FAVORITE! We made a sensory bin of water beads. These things are cool! For adults! For kids! For anyone! Get some and try them out if you have not :) I bought a package of dehydrated "water jewels" at Michael's in the flower/vase decorating aisle. They look like tiny beads. I put about 1/8 of the package in water 4-6 hours before I wanted to use them and this is what they did!! (And of course I made the water they were in orange)

Looks like just a tub of orange water, but.....


They are so so cool to feel with your hands! They bounce! And they don't pop but you can squish them. And supposedly they would not be harmful if a child got too curious and ate one! But, we tried to avoid that :)

And I guess it feels cool to put your feet in them as well! But seriously... all that to say - GET SOME WATER BEADS and try them out! You can also buy them already hydrated but I figured the dehydrated ones would be easy to store for another day of fun later on!

Well, that is it! "Brown Bear" is done! We are going to do a little two week unit on Rainbows and review colors and then move on to some more easy books before getting into the actual BFIAR book list! It has been lots of fun for both of us! 


  1. We have been saying Orange Fish this whole time too. :) What great ideas. I am going to have to check out those water beads. They look awesome! Love the idea of painting with the orange. I'll have to try that!

  2. Wow, the last week already! That went by fast! What a fun week! Love the fishing game! Looks like she got the hang of it! I see some daddy/daughter fishing trips in the future! I have seen these water beads all over, but no one has made them sounds so amazing than you! We will have to try them out as well! What a fun sensory bin activity!
    Brown Bear, Brown bear sure was a fun time of learning! Looking forward to what you come up with next and how much Ember likes it!
