Monday, October 6, 2014

My Birthday Weekend

I am 29!!! Only one more year left in my 20's..... eek! :/ 

It was one of my best birthdays yet! Here is a quick overview!

We had an early celebration at Mima and Pappy's house with a delicious dinner and an ice cream cake with candles for me to blow out.

I worked out on the morning of my actual birthday and was surprised with a coconut milk pumpkin spice latte and a gift card to a local spa. Then I came home to find this....

...and my wonderful husband telling me not to cook because he got a babysitter and we were going out to eat to celebrate! My day was filled with kind texts and cards and gifts. I had lunch with a close friend and just felt special! 

That night, we went to a restaurant called Josephine's that neither of us had been to. It was delicious and the atmosphere was GREAT! We split a calamari appetizer, crab cakes with tomatillo avocado sauce for dinner, and a bourbon pecan pie with vanilla bean ice cream for dessert. So so good!

The following weekend, my parents came up for a great weekend of catching up and hanging out! We hiked the Kachina Trail and the weather was just perfect! 

It truly was a great birthday week and I am excited to see what God has in store for me to finish off this decade of my life! So thankful for all the great family and friends currently a part of my life. I am blessed beyond what I deserve!


  1. What a special week of celebration! You are loved! Dustin did great! Enjoy the last year in your 20's! Love you!

  2. What a memorable birthday. Where to begin?
    1. That cake looks AMAZING!
    2. What a fun birthday greeting by your front door!
    3. YAY for a surprise date night! That must have been so special.
    4. A massage sounds wonderful.
    5.That family picture is SOO good. Definitely one to be framed!
