Friday, October 10, 2014

Mexico in September

Mexico again! Another great trip! Ember is loving it more and more every time. She kept saying "no home!" Haha! It was quite warm for September which made it nice to get one last blast of warmth before Flagstaff turns cold. And I am glad we did because when we got home it was definitely fall. The crisp was in the air and fall/winter clothes came out! 

Ember ready for the beach!

Playing with Mima


During this trip, Ember got to watch more TV than normal while eating and just relaxing after wearing herself out playing. She really liked "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Ember was still a little afraid of being in the actual ocean. She loved the tide pools but the sometimes powerful waves still worry her. Here is dad helping her stand in it!

Mima, Pappy, and Bella

Sitting with Pappy

We got to watch the moon set over the ocean several nights which was really cool!


We built quite a few sandcastles this trip (complete with moats and rock fortresses). It was fun... especially for mommy and daddy :)

Last time we were in Mexico one of the vendors dropped a clip of anklets and bracelets in the sand in front of our house. We have looked for her last time and this time but have not seen her again so we picked one out for Ember with dolphins on it!

Hanging in the hammock!

We had some AMAZING food but this meal was one of the favorites of the trip - shrimp and chicken sausage kabobs!

Last night family photos at sunset!

Gorgeous and relaxing as always! 


  1. Wow! What a great vacation spot! How awesome that you have a place to go for some warm weather and the beach! I miss the beach!!! What great pictures and it looks like you guys had a blast! What a relaxing, fun trip! It looks GORGEOUS there!

  2. It's so nice there!! Just beautiful! Glad Ember is loving is more and more! What fun memories she will have looking back! Sandcastle fun! That little ankle bracelet is so cute on Ember! I love your coverup you are wearing in the hammock! And as always...beautiful sunset pictures!
