Friday, October 10, 2014

Rainbow Unit

As the GRAND FINALE of our Brown Bear colors/animals unit.... I decided to put it all together and talk about rainbows. We used 4 different books about rainbows and had a few activities for each one. Lots of fun!

Book 1

We made a RAINBOW Freight Train craft

And we worked on sorting our toys onto the correct colored papers

Book 2

We made a sticky wall rainbow using contact paper (great idea from Aunt Ally)

We made a rainbow by sorting pom pom balls onto a template (this was pretty hard for Ember)

And we made a necklace using straw pieces and string

Book 3

We made a Rainbow Fish with sequins

We used Goldfish crackers to graph with (Ember surprised me on this one with how well she did and how patient she was to eat the fish)

We made ice chalk! (really cool idea but next time I will use a recipe without food coloring because it stained our hands almost instantly!)

And I found this movie at the library too

Book 4

We made a sun and rainbow craft and talked about how plants grow.
(When asked what helps plants grow.... Ember says "rain" and "sun")

We played in a rainbow colored rice sensory bin



I wanted to buy white flowers and put them in food coloring water (also a great idea from Aunt Ally) but we never got around to it :( Next time!

We ironically also got this book in the mail from the Dolly Parton program during this unit

We got a few other books focusing on all the colors at the library

And we watched a few movies about rainbows

Ember definitely knows her basic colors and uses them to describe things all the time! It is so FUN to see that she is getting things and applying her knowledge to real life. I am still loving this planned quality time with my sweet toddler!


  1. So many fun things! Great picks for the rainbow review unit!!! I am glad you got the graphing goldfish printable to print...I couldn't...that's why I made my own! Love the sorting activity. The necklaces are so cute! Way to go on all the rice dying! That looks fun! Great job! Looking forward to seeing what you will do next!!

  2. WOW! What GREAT ideas! I have been wanting to do the rice thing for a while, but have never done it. I love all the colors. I'll have to try that sometime. I LOVE the idea of a rainbow unit after Brown Bear to help solidify the colors. Once again, I may have to use some of these ideas. Jace is now really repeating words well, and many of the colors he couldn't say a month ago he can say now. It would be fun to review it all. I have seen rainbow chalk on Pinterest… I'll maybe check that out too! HOW FUN! Great activities!
